JMI Entrance Exam 2020 Admit Card Released: Check here

Jamia Millia Islamia University will release the admit card for the entrance exam on its official website shortly.

The admit card for the admission test of Jamia Millia Islamia University for academic session 2020-2021 is going to be released soon on the JMI official website: 

The JMI entrance exam is scheduled to be conducted from October 10, 2020, to November 22, 2020, for Post Graduation courses like MA, MFA, PGD. BFA and MTech.

JMI Entrance Exam 2020: Highlights

As per the norm of JMI, the admit card for the entrance examination is released before seven days of the scheduled examination. 

The admit card for all courses will soon be available on the JMI website. Meanwhile, the university will also announce the result declaration date in days to come.

Check JMI EE highlights from the table below:

Jamia Millia Islamia University Entrance Exam Highlights

Exam Name

Jamia Millia Islamia Entrance Exam

Conducting Body

Jamia Millia Islamia

Exam Mode


Exam Duration

1 hour 30 minutes to 3 hours

Exam Medium

English (except for language exams)

Issue of Admit Cards

7 days before the exam

JMI Entrance Exam

10-Oct-2020 to 22-Nov-2020

Declaration of Results

To be announced

Official Website

JMI Entrance examination will conduct for 126 different courses offered by the university. 

Read: Jamia Millia Islamia Announces Entrance Test for UG, PG Admission 2020; Rolls back Merit-based Process

Registered students need to carry their admit card on the day of examination for identity verification at the exam center. Without identity verification, students will not be allowed to appear for the examination.

JMI admit card for admission test 2020 to be released soon

Jamia Millia Islamia will publish the admit card for the university today, October 5, 2020, on its official website:

Students who applied for the admission entrance examination will get admission to different programs offered by the university. The admission test center of the students will be mentioned in the admit card of the students. 

Read: Jamia’s Residential Coaching Academy Invites Applicants for “Civil Services Examinations-2021” Preparations

In a meeting held on September 24, 2020, the Executive Council Of Jamia Millia Islamia university released the date sheet for the admission test for the upcoming session 2020-2021.The admission test will be held in two different shifts for October 10 to November 22, 2020. Shift will start from 9 am in the morning and the second shift will begin from 2:30 pm in the afternoon.

The details about the schedule of Group Discussion (G.D), Interview Component for the applicable candidates will be announced on the website separately. 

Read: Jamia Millia Islamia Starts two-week Human Rights and Social Inclusion Course Online

Jamia Millia Islamia Entrance Exam 2020: How to Download Admit Card?

Registered students can now download their admit card simply by following the step by step guide given below. 

Step 1: Visit the official website of Jamia Millia Islamia (

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the "study at Jamia" option.

Step 3: From the next screen, click on the "Download Entrance Exam Admit Card" link.

Step 4: Enter the required details to log in and enter the "submit" button.

Step 5: Verify your details on the admit card and click on the download icon from the screen to save your admit card for future references.

Read: Jamia Millia Islamia Secures First Position in Central Universities Category in the Government Rankings

Students are advised to keep their admit card save for future references. 

In case of any queries, students can contact the Helpdesk numbers: 011-26987338, 9836219994, 9836289994 of JMI during the working hours or mail their queries at

Read: Jamia Millia Islamia to Follow Merit-Based Admission 2020 for UG, PG Courses
