IMA Explains How NEET will Bring Down the Cost of Medical Education; Check Details Here

New Delhi: The Indian Medical Association on Wednesday has declared that NEET, the national level medical entrance exam, will reduce the cost of medical education in India. The association has also stated that the increased cost of medical education has in turn increased the cost of treatment in the country.

The IMA while speaking to media in Delhi on increasing violence against doctors stated that a few decades ago the medical profession was held in high esteem and doctors were viewed as healers and guides.

But now, violence against doctors is a common incident. Assault on healthcare professionals, both in rural as well as urban areas across the country have reached alarming portions, adversely affecting the doctor-patient relationship and resulting in an environment of suspicion & mistrust.

“This in spite of the fact that 2000 healthcare workers have made the ultimate sacrifice during the COVID pandemic,” IMA said.

The association also stated that the high cost of treatment is a notable contributing factor to the people’s growing mistrust and anger towards healthcare professionals. This problem has been solved to a lot extent by the introduction of NEET which would make medical studies affordable in India. 

It stated: “Similarly, the cost of treatment in the private sector is perceived to be high and this perception has created an impression that the private sector is profiteering, which is far from the truth. However, this is a causative factor for violence in general and more so in case of death of a patient.”

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