IIT Palakkad Summer Internship 2022: Applications Open; Last Date to Apply is April 10

New Delhi IIT Palakkad is introducing a summer internship program for undergraduate and postgraduate students with an aim to acquaint them with research methodology and approach. 

It is hoped that this internship program by IIT Palakkad will instigate them to opt for a career in teaching and research. The duration of the program is for six weeks and it combines an array of hardware and software analysis tools with hands-on research training.

IIT Palakkad Summer Internship 2022: Important dates



Application portal opens on

March 17, 2022

Submission deadline

April 10, 2022

Declaration of Selection and waiting list

April 29, 2022

Deadline for confirmation of participation

May 10, 2022

Program commences

June 1, 2022

Program ends

July 15, 2022

Students should keep in mind that only those who will successfully complete their program will be awarded the internship certificate. They will also be offered financial aid of Rs 6000 /- per month (Rs. 9000/- for the entire period) for the entire duration of the program.

Read: IIT Palakkad Admissions 2022

IIT Palakkad Summer Internship 2022: Eligibility

Students planning to take part in the summer internship program must meet the following parameters: 

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students from science, engineering and humanities departments are eligible to apply
  • 4th and 5th-year students of integrated master’s program can apply for IIT Palakkad Summer Internship 2022
  • Students in their 3rd and 4th year of their Btech degree are eligible to apply for an internship program.

Read: IIT Palakkad Courses and Fees

IIT Palakkad Summer Internship 2022: Application process

Students can follow the steps below to apply for IIT Palakkad Summer Internship 2022 - 

Step 1: The application is to be submitted online at the portal available at the homepage of IIT Palakkad. 

Step 2: Click on the tab ‘create a new account’ on the homepage. Enter a valid email address and password to create an account.

Step 3: Log in to the applicant portal using the credentials provided.

Step 4: Fill in all the required fields and upload a letter from the head of your department/institution. The letter should be signed and sealed.

Selection will be made on the basis of academic record, aptitude for research, accomplishments and area(s) of research interest. Before applying, students should carefully go through the list of internship positions available and select the ones that will be relevant to them. They can also make a choice of a maximum of two faculty members.

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