IIT Bhilai M.Tech Admission 2022 Open From March 18; Details Here

New Delhi: IIT Bhilai is going to open its admission portal for the M.Tech programme from March 18 for its July 2022 academic session. Interested candidates can apply for the programme till April 17, 2022. 

Candidates must have a bachelor's or master's degree as well as a valid GATE score to be considered. Candidates are chosen based on a written test and an online interview. Students holding a bachelor's degree from any IIT and a GPA of at least 8.0 can apply for direct admission to M. Tech. at IIT Bhilai.

IIT Bhilai offers MTech programs in Computer Science and Engineering, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electric Vehicle Technology and Mechatronics.

IIT Bhilai M.Tech Admission 2022: Highlights

University Name

IIT Bhilai

Course Name


Application Begins

March 18, 2022

Application Closes

April 17, 2022

Application Fee

Rs 200

Rs 100 (SC/ST/PwD/female candidates)


Application Link

IIT Bhilai M.Tech Admission 2022: How to Apply?

Candidates can check the below procedure to know the application process for the M.Tech course in IIT Bhilai-

  • The candidate has to apply online from the IIT Bhilai website. 
  • After filling in the details, an Application Number will be generated. The candidate should note down the Application Number. 
  • Please note that you have to upload your testimonials wherever it is required to validate your information along with your digital photograph and signature.
  • After the final submission of your online application, you will be able to generate your online application print with your specific details/data. 
  • This application print may be retained with you for future requirements.

IIT Bhilai M.Tech Admission 2022: Eligibility Criteria

Candidates seeking admission at IIT Bhilai to study any M.Tech programme must possess one of the following qualifications in the field of study:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering/Technology with a first-class grade point average of 60% or more (55% for SC/ST).
  • Master's degree in science or an equivalent degree with a first-class grade point average of 60% or above (55% for SC/ST)
  • Valid GATE Score 
  • CPI/CGPA of 8.0 in BTech if completed at an IIT

IIT Bhilai M.Tech Admission 2022: Important Guidelines

  • Before filling out the application form, applicants must have registered in the COAP portal (coap.iitm.ac.in).
  • If candidates are applying in more than one discipline, a separate application form must be completed.
  • As per Government of India norms, candidates in the EWS/OBC-NCL/SC/ST/PWD categories are eligible for reservations. To get such a reservation, the necessary supporting documentation must be supplied.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected.
  • Applicants must provide a photo, academic certificates, mark-sheet of qualifying degree. Candidates who are awaiting their results must upload their most recent/previous semester's mark-sheet.
  • Experience certificate, if any.
  • Applicants should collect all of their testimonials into a single PDF file and send it to the application portal.
  • Applicants must also submit the contact information for at least two well-known individuals who can give reference letters. At least one of them must be an academician who has taught the candidate.
  • Applicants with degrees from international universities must provide an equivalency certificate from AIU, New Delhi for the qualifying examination, as well as proof of receiving 60% (55% for SC/ST) or equivalent in the qualifying examination.
  • Any communication regarding the admission would be made via e-mail.
  • Applicants who have been shortlisted will be contacted for an online interview.

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