Admission to Super Specialty Courses:
Regional Cancer Center (RCC), Thiruvananthapuram invites application for admission to the following Post Graduate Super specialty courses for the academic session 2015-16 commencing on 1st August 2015.
RCC Trivandrum 2015 Important Dates:
Particulars | Date |
Last Date for completing Online Application | 16th May 2015 |
Last Date for receiving postal application | 23rd May 2015 |
Downloading Admit card | 11th June 2015 |
Date of Entrance Examination | 21st June 2015 |
Result of Entrance Examination | 23rd June 2015 |
Date of Viva | 24th June 2015 |
Result Declaration | 25th June 2015 |
Date of Commencement of Class | 01st August 2015 |
RCC Trivandrum Courses offered 2015:
- 3 Years Ch Surgical Oncology
- 3 Years DM Medical Oncology
- 3 Years DM Pediatric Oncology
Also Read:
RCC Courses Details Click here
RCC Courses Fee Details Click here
Total Seats:
Courses | Seats | Total | |
Merit | Service Quota seats | ||
M.Ch Surgical Oncology | 05 | 1 for RCC Service Quota | 06 |
DM Medical Oncology | 02 | 1 for Kerala Govt. | 03 |
DM Pediatric Oncology | 01 | 1 for Kerala Govt. | 02 |
- If there are no qualified RCC candidates then the seat will be given to Kerala Govt./Govt. Autonomous Service. If neither qualifies the seat will be filled up from general merit
- Students will be provided stipend as per the Institution’s norms and MCI regulations
RCC Trivandrum 2015 Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates should meet the following criteria.
- Nativity:
- Candidate Should be an Indian
- Candidate should have passed the PG Degree (MD/MS) from any of the Medical Colleges in India, recognized by the Medical Council of India or DNB from an institute in India, approved by the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi
- Basic Academic Qualifications:
- MBBS Degree recognized by the Medical Council of India
- Appropriate Post Graduate Degree (MD / MS) recognized by the Medical Council of India or appropriate DNB of National Board of Examinations, New Delhi
Appropriate Post Graduate qualification required for applying for the course will be MD/MS/DNB in the subjects noted below:
Course | Required PG qualification |
M.Ch Surgical Oncology | MS/MD/DNB in General Surgery/ENT/Obstetrics & Gynaecology/ Orthopaedics |
DM Medical Oncology | MD/DNB in General Medicine/Paediatrics/Radiotherapy |
DM Paediatric Oncology | MD/DNB in Paediatrics |
Note: Candidates who have appeared or are appearing for the MD/MS/DNB examination may apply but they will have to produce their permanent PG Degree certificate at the time of counseling if selected.
- Age limit:
- Upper age limit is 40 years, as on 30th April 2015
- Age relaxation of 5 years is applicable to all SC/ST candidates and RCC in-service candidates.
- Age relaxation for Kerala Government service candidates will be as decided by the Govt of Kerala
RCC Trivandrum DM /M.Ch 2015 Application Form:
The application forms are common for all candidates applying for these courses. Candidates seeking admission to the course can download the prospectus and application form from
- Candidates should visit where he/she can find the link ‘Online Application for PG Super Speciality Course 2015’for submitting his/her application
- Duly completed application must be accompanied with a Demand Draft payable at State Bank of Travancore, Medical College Branch, Thiruvananthapuram for 1500/- (Rs.750/- for SC/ST) drawn in favour of “Director, Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram”
- Completed and signed application form with all the necessary enclosures should be sent to "The Director, Regional Cancer Centre, Medical College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram-695011" by Registered/Speed Post only and should reach The Director, RCC, latest by 04.30 pm on 23rd May 2015
- The envelope containing the application should be superscripted (e.g. “Application for Surgical Oncology Course”)
Documents Required along with Application form:
Self-attested photo-copies of the following documents should be attached along with the application.
- Final MBBS Marks sheet and MBBS Degree certificate
- Internship completion certificate
- MD/MS/DNB Degree certificate
- Certificate from Principal of respective Medical College / Institution for candidates who have appeared/appearing for MD / MS / DNB
- MD / MS / DNB attempt certificate
- Permanent Medical Registration Certificate of MBBS / PG Degree
- Proof of Nationality (Passport, Voters ID, PAN Card, Tehsildar’s certificate)
- Proof of age (Passport, Secondary School Leaving certificate showing date of birth, Tehsildar's certificate)
- Character / Conduct certificate issued by competent authority (head of institute/ gazette officer)
- Community certificate for SC/ST/SEBC candidates issued by Revenue Officer not below the rank of a Tehsildar
- Disability Certificate: Certificate of disability from the District Medical Board, certifying the degree of percentage of disability issued not earlier than 3 months prior to submission of application
No document/certificate other than those mentioned above will be accepted; Photo copy of publications if any
RCC Trivandrum 2015 Exam Pattern:
There will be separate examination for the M.Ch (Surgical Oncology), D.M (Medical Oncology) and D.M (Pediatric Oncology) courses
- For each examination, there will be objective type question paper
- There will be 120 questions in the paper and to be completed in 120 minutes.
- Each correct answer will carry one mark and half mark will be deducted for each wrong answer
Selection Procedure for RCC Thiruvananthapuram PG Super Specialty Courses 2015:
- All candidates should qualify in the entrance exam and securing minimum 50% marks
- In case of candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC category they require minimum 40% marks in the entrance exam
- In case of candidates with locomotors disabilities of lower limbs between 40% and 70%, the required minimum marks shall be at the 45%
Note: Persons with visual and hearing disability and loco-motor disability involving upper limb are not eligible for admission.
RCC Thiruvananthapuram 2015 Admit Card:
Candidate can download admit cards the website from 11th June 2015 onwards
If an eligible candidate is unable to download the admit card by 17th June 2015 he/she may contact the office of the Director, Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
- Admit cards should be printed in color using inkjet/laser printer on A4 size paper
- Candidate must bring Admit Card with to secure admission to the Examination Hall
- Only those with original admit cards will be allowed inside the examination hall
Medical College CampusPost Bag No.- 2417
Contact Details:
Tel: +91-4712442541Website