Lloyd Law College B.A.LL.B-5 Yrs. & L.L.B-3 Yrs. Admission 2015 Notification

B.A.LL.B-5 Yr. & L.L.B-3 Yrs Programmes (LET-2015):

Lloyd Law College invites application for admission to 5 Year Integrated B.A. LL.B and 3 Year L.L.B Programs for the academic year 2015.

Lloyd Law College conducts Lloyd Entrance Test LET 2015:

The test is mandatory for admission into B.A., LLB & LL.B programmes. Both the programmes are approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and affiliated to CCS University, Meerut.

Lloyd Law College:

Lloyd Law College is one of the best law colleges in India with the objective of providing high quality education in the legal domain. The vision of the College is to become one of the best centers of legal education, training and research in the country

LLC strives to offer the best legal education in order to prepare its graduates for the diverse spheres of litigation, corporate legal practice, legal research, legal academicia, social service and public leadership. Apart from academics, Lloyd Law College provides a good platform to its students to showcase their exceptional talents through Moot Courts, sports and other cultural activities

To achieve our Vision, Lloyd Law College conducts the "LLOYD ENTRANCE TEST" (LET), which is an All India Entrance Examination for its B.A. LL.B (5 Year) and LL.B (3 Year) Degree Programmes

Read more about Lloyd Law College

Programmes offered for Lloyd LET-2015

B.A. LL.B – 5 Year (After 10+2) & LL.B- 3 Year (After Graduation)

Lloyd LET-2015 Eligibility Criteria:

Eligibility for BA-LLB Course: Admission to the B.A.LL.B.-5 Year Integrated program is made strictly on merit based result of the Lloyd Entrance Test (LET-2015) and Personal Interview of the student

  • To be eligible to appear for LET-2015, a candidate must have passed his/her Higher Secondary School/Intermediate Examination (10+2) or its equivalent examination with not less than 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of SC/ST)
  • Candidates who have appeared in the 10+2 examination and are awaiting results are also eligible to appear in the LET Test
  • Age of candidate should not be more than 25 years as on 01st July 2015
  • The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination at the time of his/her admission and be able to submit its proof
  • All offers of admission by Lloyd Law 2015 LET shall be provisional and subject to the approval of Chaudhary Charan Singh University

Eligibility for LLB Course: Admission to the LL.B-3 Year program is made strictly on merit based result of the LLOYD Entrance Test LET & Personal Interview of the student

  • To be eligible for admission in the LLB-3 Year Degree Program, the Candidate should have passed Graduation(10+2+3 pattern) in any discipline of a recognized College/University, having secured minimum 45% marks in aggregate for General Category & 40% marks in aggregate for SC/ST Category
  • Candidates appearing/appeared for the Annual Examination in March/April are also eligible to apply

Age (As per C.C.S. University and Bar Council of India norms)

Note: All the above mentioned rules & regulations are subject to CCS University and Bar Council of India

Lloyd LET-2015 Seats:

Total Seats BA LLB: Three Hundred Seats (300)

Total Seats for LLB: Three Hundred Seats (300)

Lloyd LET-2015 Exam Pattern:

The test paper will consist of one question paper containing 150 objective type questions with multiple choices answers

Exam Pattern of the “LET” Paper for BA LLB 5 Year (after 10+2) and LLB – 3 Year (after graduation)-

Subjects No. of Questions Duration
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 30 120 Minutes
English including Comprehension 30
Mathematics 25
Logical Reasoning 25
Legal Aptitude & Legal Awareness 40
Total 150 120 Minutes


  1. There will be 5 sections (Section – I to V) comprising of multiple choice questions only
  2. All questions carry equal marks
  3. There is no negative marking
  4. Use only blue/black ballpoint pen during the entrance test

Lloyd LET-2015 Exam Syllabus:

General Knowledge & Current Affairs: This section will test General knowledge & current affairs

English including Comprehension: The English section will test the candidate’s proficiency in English based on comprehension and grammar; the grammar section will include correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, fill in the blanks with appropriate words, Jumbled words & Sentences, Antonyms, Synonyms, Part of Speech, Idioms & phrases etc

Mathematics: This section will test candidate’s Knowledge of elementary mathematics upto 10th standard

Logical Reasoning: The purpose of the logical reasoning section is to test the student’s ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include a wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc.

Legal Aptitude & Legal Awareness: This section will test the legal aptitude of the students. Questions will be framed with the help of legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be true in the real sense (e.g. the legal proposition might be that any person who speaks in a movie hall and disturbs other that are watching the movie will be banned from entering any movie theatre across India for one year)

Candidates will have to assume the truth of these propositions and answer the question accordingly

Lloyd LET-2015 Application Procedure:

Admission to B.A., LL.B.- 5 Year & LL.B-3 Year will be through LET to be conducted at Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Greater Noida, Patna, Bangalore & Bhopal on 23rd May 2015 (Saturday)

How to Register For LET – 2015:

Interested candidates may apply for LET 2015 lasted by 17th May 2015 by either of the two process:

The students may apply online for Lloyd Entrance Test LET-2015

Payment Advice: As per the instruction given on the Online Form

The Students can also apply offline for Lloyd Entrance Test LET-2015

Online Registration: The Students can also apply offline

Payment Advice: Demand Draft/Cash

  • Make a Demand Draft of Rs.1000/- in favour of "LLOYD LAW COLLEGE" payable at New Delhi. Mention Demand Draft, Date & name of the Bank on the Application form
  • Cash payment will be accepted only within the college premises
  • Download Application Form (Offline) www.lloydlawcollege.com

After fill-in the application form properly send it to us “The Convenor, Lloyd Entrance Test (LET) for Law-2015, Lloyd Law College, Plot No-11, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida-201306″ (Delhi/NCR) Tel.: 0120-6525116

Note- LET Registration fee is non-refundable. Please note that claims for refund of the LET Registration fee will not be entertained

The Candidate must mention LET-2015 at the top of the envelope.

Lloyd LET-2015 Admit Card:

Lloyd LET Online Admit Card will be issue on 19th May 2015. In case of non-receipt of the Admit Card, the candidate may collect the same on the date of Entrance Examination in person before 12.00 noon at Test Centre for this purpose candidate is required to bring two passport size photographs with them

Lloyd LET-2015 Important Dates:

Events Dates
Availability of Online Application Forms 10th January 2015
Last Date for Submission of Forms (Offline Application) 15th May 2015
Last Date for Submission of Online Application Forms 17th May 2015
Admit Card Issue Date 19th May 2015
Date of LET-2015 Exam 23rd May 2015 (Saturday, 03.00 PM to 05.00 PM)
Notification of Result 30th May 2015
Personal Interview & Admission Process 01st June 2015



Lloyd Law College, Plot No. 11, Knowledge Park IIGreater Noida-201306, Delhi/NCR

Tel.: +91-0120-6525116, Mobile: +91-9871385313

Email: admission@lloydlawcollege.com

Website www.lloydlawcollege.com

Click here to know more about Courses offered by Lloyd Law college



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