IIM Personal Interview Questions And Answers: Top Personal Interview Questions And Answers for MBA

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IIMs are the top institutes of management education and research in India. There are 20 IIMs and these mostly offer post-graduate, doctoral and executive programs. Every MBA aspirant hopes to get into an IIM for a management program. IIMs admission process begins in the month of February each year which includes shortlisting of candidates on the basis of Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion rounds (GD), and personal interview (PI). Check IIM Admission Process

IIM Admission Criteria includes the key requirements, process and weightage parameters on how to get admission in IIM right from taking the mandatory entrance exam -Common Admission Test (CAT) conducted by IIMs for getting the final admission offer. CAT is conducted by IIMs for admission into their management programs and its result is declared usually in the first week of January each year. Check MBA Admission Shortlist

Around 5 lakh candidates write the CAT exam every year competing for over 4318 seats of PGP Programs. If all courses are to be taken into account then there are 12411 seats in all IIMs. Thus, making CAT a highly competitive exam. Getting admission in any of the IIMs involves a two-stage process mentioned below.

Personal Interview Round in IIMs is the most important part of the MBA admission process and commands an even higher weightage (ranging between 30-50) than score in CAT entrance exams. All the 20 IIMS conduct PI rounds for their final admission selection. Personal Interviews (PI) at IIMs are usually taken by the IIM faculty, ex-faculty or even alumni in some cases. This round checks the various soft skills and interpersonal skills of a candidate. Questions asked in PI may vary from personal to work experience and academics. Also check IIM Common Admission Process

Only those candidates who satisfy the IIM cutoff are called for the PI round. The PI structure, duration and type of questions may be different depending on the nature of the PI round. The PI round is the test of verbal communication skills, presence of mind and how a candidate presents his views and knowledge skillfully to convince the interviewers.

A personal interview is conducted with the following objectives.

  • Knowing the candidate in-person
  • Assess the clarity of the thinking process
  • Understand their future goals
  • Whether he/she 'fits’ in the B-school
  • Better Observation of Behaviour

IIM Personal Interviews Key Facts 

  • If a candidate does not get a required minimum score in PI, he will not be considered for final selection even if he has scored very high in his written test.
  • For IIMs, PI round may have a duration of 8 to 30 minutes
  • Generally, there are 2 to 3 panellists in the PI round of IIMs & other top-rated B-Schools
  • MBA PI Questions are based on a variety of topics ranging from your personal profile, family, native place, courses studied, the environment around, current affairs etc.

The PI needs to be kept healthy, positive and less stressful to make a candidate comfortable, feel friendly and natural before the experts. He/She is encouraged to remain in their usual comfort and it is tried that during the course of the discussion, a candidate should not feel nervous. Read More CAT Previous Years Cut off 

Getting Ready for the Interview session

A few things an IIM aspirant should remember before proceeding with the interview session are:

  • Gather all the required documents, their copies and each and everything that is desired for verification
  • The copy of write up that you have already sent to the B-school
  • Get dressed formally and neatly but not elegantly
  • Arrive at the PI venue a few minutes before the scheduled time for verification of documents

Facing the Panelists

Enter the Personal Interview room by taking permission of the panellists and greet them when you reach near the table behind which they are sitting. You must have been preparing for the PI round for the last few months and by now should be well prepared and must have also gone for versatile reading and mock personal interviews. Please do not forget to go through the morning newspaper especially on the day when your personal interview is scheduled.

Avoid Irritation during PI Round 

Don’t get at all irritated, come what may. Your interviewers have the capability of assessing you with your gestures, postures and the response you come with, to their very first question. The saying ‘First impression is the last impression’ is true to a large extent when you face the interview. After The first few minutes, the interview board is simply confirming itself of the first impression is formed of you.

Be Yourself Throughout

Be natural and don’t go for copying someone. If you do, it will be like a mask through which your interviewers can very well judge you. Please do remember You are you, you cannot be he. So please don’t try to change your DNA.

Tips for Answering Questions Effectively in PI in IIMs

  • Keep your answers short and precise. 
  • Avoid simple 'yes' and 'no' answers or responding in monosyllables. 
  • Show interest in the questions and sincere thought in your responses.
  • Be polite
  • Keep Positive Body Language
  • Drive Answers to Your Strengths
  • Listen Attentively and Respond
  • Be Well Prepared (aware of must-know questions)

Top Questions asked in PI round 

Below mentioned are a few of the past interview Questions asked in the IIM MBA PI round and are must know questions to prepare for a Personal Interview. 

  1. Why MBA: This is one of the most vital MBA Interview Questions for Admission that is frequently asked in MBA interviews
  2. Introduce yourself This is another very popular question that frequently appears in MBA Personal Interview Questions
  3. COVID 19 related Questions: This is nowadays one of the most frequently asked MBA PI Questions. Besides, one can expect simple fact-based questions – a candidate was asked to share his “stance on the conspiracy theory of Covid’s origin.” Another candidate was asked to explain the “Hidden Markov Model and R0 model for Covid-19” in IIM Bangalore personal interview.
  4. Questions based on Past Academic Records: Academic profile is an important source of top Questions asked in the PI round of MBA admissions. Questions such as, ‘how the UG background is related to Business Analytics and the key areas of academic interest in IIM Bangalore Personal Interview round’ are asked by the candidates.
  5. Work Experience-based Questions: If a candidate has any experience, it will be the most important area inculcating top MBA Personal Interview Questions for Admission. Accordingly, a candidate should also be ready with some of such top Questions based on work experience to prepare for a Personal Interview.
  6. Dwelling City/State-related question: Interviewers want to know whether a candidate has deep-rooted knowledge of the city/state where he/she lives. So there are also some of the important MBA Personal Interview Questions based on the native place
  7. Why this B-school: This is one of the top MBA Personal Interview Questions for Admission while appearing in IIMs & other B schools PI round, it is one of the top Questions to prepare for PI. If a candidate doesn't give a crisp and clear answer, you will leave a bad impression.
  8. Which Specialization and Why? Some B-schools want their students to be clear about their career choice post-MBA. They also want them to be clear about which specialization they will select in 2nd year and why. 
  9. Current Affair Events based questions: Questions about the recent happenings is the key area on which a few questions are sure to be asked in the Personal Interview round. Ajay Barua, who scored 99.22 percentile in CAT exam and is a student of FMS Delhi was asked questions about Questions on Covid Vaccinations update, American Senate etc.
  10.  Extra-Curricular Activities: If a candidate is a sportsperson or an achiever in some other area, the MBA Interview Questions will be focused on them too. Tanishq Diddee, a national medalist in swimming, a triathlon and marathon participant who scored 99.70 percentile in CAT 2019 and converted IIM Ahmedabad was asked about how a business model can be made around swimming?, How will India capture the POK? Why Kenyan runners are good at marathons? Etc.
  11. Would you like to share if you enjoy any extracurricular activities?
  12. Walk me through your resume.
  13. Which state do you come from? Who’s its governor?
  14. What are the other examinations you have appeared in/ qualified for?
  15. What are you doing right now?
  16. Which B-school do you want to join as you have received the call from other ones also?
  17. What will you cook for me?
  18. What’s integration?
  19. So, can you please integrate “X^2 +2” from 0-2 without integrating but using summation?
  20. What is leadership?
  21. Name your subjects from your last semester.
  22. Can you explain why the figures of Nifty and Sensex keep fluctuating every hour, in fact, every minute?
  23. Suppose you’re in a crowded cafe, and a random girl comes and proposes to you on her knees holding a flower, how would you react or say that would break her heart and make her happy simultaneously.
  24. How has the Corona Pandemic affected your life?
  25. What’s the difference between commerce and e-commerce?
  26. Any recent news that touched your sentiments either positive or negative?
  27. What is bubble sort? What is the time complexity of bubble sort?
  28. What is your expectation from MBA?
  29. Where do you see yourself five years down the line?
  30. What are you motivated by?
  31. How will MBA support your life goals?
  32. Mention any one life experience that you wish to change.
  33. Who do you admire and wish to be like?
  34. What did you learn from your failures till now?
  35. What are the negative qualities which you are working on?
  36. Who is your role model?
  37. What is the difference between a good manager and a good leader?
  38. Do you prefer to work in teams, or alone?
  39. Where else have you applied? What other calls have you received?
  40. Tell us about your dream Institute.
  41. What are the newspaper headings that grabbed your attention?
  42. What’s your dream job?
  43. Why should we consider you?
  44. Why MBA after experience in a non-related field, such as IT?
  45. Any hardships you’ve faced in your life?
  46. What can you do with an MBA in Marketing?
  47. What according to you is a brand? What is your favourite brand and why?
  48. Tell us your most favourite and least favourite ad and if you were to change it, how will you?
  49. Tell three things that you want to ask God if s/he exists.
  50. Why do you want to do management? You have excellent grades- just do research no?
  51. What do you think are the benefits of privatisation?
  52. What is the difference between a seam bowler and a swing bowler?
  53. Have you read anything recently?
  54. What is Sensex?
  55. What is your favourite subject?
  56. Who is Kamala Harris and her profession before politics?
  57. Tell me some main points of Budget 2021.
  58. How do you deal with criticism?
  59. How do you estimate GDP? What’s a production function?
  60. What’s the difference between the World Bank and IFC?

Important PI Questions

  1. Tell me about yourself.

This universal, completely open-ended interview question has the potential to trip you into a bottomless pit—don’t let it. Prove that you’re well-versed and have the ability to articulate and structure your thoughts. Keep your answer around 1-2minutes, and make sure to focus on your undergraduate education, your work experience,if any, accomplishments, and your career goals. Everything you talk about should lead to why you’re right, and why the school would benefit from you pursuing an MBA there. 

  1. Why do you want to do an MBA? Why now?

Explain your motivation for pursuing a graduate business degree and why you feel now is the right time. Describe how an MBA will help you achieve your career goals and emphasize that the degree is a critical part of your plan. 

  1. Why are you interested in this school?

Show that you’ve done your research. List all of the reasons you feel the school or program is ideally suited for you, whether it’s their faculty, facilities, course offerings, class size, student activities, job placement record, networking opportunities or location. You want to convey that this school is one of, if not the top choice for you.

  1. What has been your most challenging or rewarding academic experience so far?

Think back to your time as an undergrad—your favorite (or least favorite) professors, classes, projects and organizations. If you’re going to talk about a challenge you faced, describe how you were able to overcome the challenge and turn it into a positive or successful experience. If you’re talking about a situation that was rewarding, explain why it was rewarding and what you gained from the experience.

  1. What do you like most about your current work?

This is an opportunity to direct the conversation toward something you're truly passionate about. What do you love about your job, and why did you choose that particular career path? What do you find rewarding or satisfying about what you currently do? Even if you’re unhappy in your current position, you should be able to name at least one good thing about it—this shows you’re able to find positivity in a negative situation.

  1. What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

Coming up with strengths is fairly easy—you know what you’re good at. Pick two or three that would set you apart and back yourself up with a few examples. When it comes to weaknesses, it gets a little harder. You may be nervous to admit a weakness for fear that it’ll turn the interview south, but the interviewer will probably be more interested in how you handle yourself during this tough question than your actual answer.

Some more PI questions asked in IIMs ( Excerpts on the basis of candidate’s Experience)

Ques. Tell me the difference between Freedom of expression, speech, and opinion.

Me: Freedom of speech is a subset of expression. It refers to only verbal expressions. An expression is a broader term and can be through a variety of means like cartoons, dance, paintings. Opinions are thoughts, they may or may not be expressed.

Ques. You have not taken a clear stand. If you have to take a clear stand- should there be limits on freedom of expression or not?

Me: no. there should not be limits. But people must be made aware that they should use their rights responsibly.

Ques. So, the French gov. didn’t do that? That’s why Charlie Hebdo happened.?

Me: we as a society learn from our mistakes. And I think this message is clear now.

Ques. But French gov. did nothing new in this direction

Me: But many important people including the Pope have criticized the misuse of freedom of expression to offend a community.

P2: So, you are from Delhi. Do you think Delhi should be given full statehood?

Me: no. It is not practical because Delhi is very small geographically and will not be financially sustainable if made a state. Moreover, a lot of central government machinery is in Delhi like the MPs and foreign dignitaries visiting. Hence, the Centre must have the power to control them. There are two main reasons why Delhi people want statehood. One is law and order i.e the Delhi police is not answerable to Delhi CM. and land issue – state gov. needs permission from the center on land usage. DDA is not under state gov. I think there are better ways to resolve these. Regarding the police, one department of police can be made to report to CM. and regarding land- more representation of the state in DDA and already some steps have been taken in this direction.

Ques. But, there is even a country which is smaller than Delhi. Which one?

me: Vatican city

Ques. How does that work?

Me: It is extremely dependent on its neighbors.

Ques. What do you think about CCTV cameras being installed?

Me: I think it is a good step. But it is the second part towards ensuring a safe city. It will help in catching criminals. But we can not always wait for crimes to happen to catch a criminal. It needs to be supplemented with more awareness and gender sensitization and similar moves should be emphasized. (Could have also talked about terrorists and related activities)

Ques. So, what kind of books do you read?

Me: it keeps on changing. But recently I have been reading social books about the life of people. For instance, the last book I read was PRINCESS: THE LIFE BEHIND THE VEIL IN SAUDI ARABIA. BY JEAN SASSON. It is about a girl who is of the Al-Saud’s family and talks about her life as a woman in Saudi Arabia. And before that NOTHING TO ENVY: ORDINARY LIVES IN NORTH KOREA BY BARBARA DEMICK It explores the life of common people of North Korea under the dictator during the 1980s and the subsequent famine of 1990s. it is a compilation of interviews of refugees from North Korea by a journalist.

Ques. What is Saudi Arabia doing about oil?

Me: It has refused to cut down oil production and because of this, oil prices have fallen

Ques. What is the problem in OPEC?

Me: Saudi Arabia is a rich country with abundant oil and low cost of production. So it can afford to sell at a low price for long. Other countries can’t.

Ques. Should OPEC break?

Me: No.Their strength lies in staying together because then they can monopolize the market.

Ques. Why do you think Saudi Arabia is not cutting down production?

Me: told about the shale gas. If oil prices remain low, then exploration of shale gas is unviable and the world would continue to depend on oil as an energy resource.

Ques. Any other reason

Me: market share If Saudi Arabia cuts down production, it will lose out the market share to other countries like Russia.

Ques. How is Russia’s economy dependent on oil?

Me: oil forms a huge percentage of Russia’s GDP and export. And due to the low price, it is suffering a lot.

Ques. Could this be the reason why the USA is asking Saudi Arabia to not cut production?

Me: Yes, especially because of the Ukraine – Russia conflict. A lot of other sanctions have also been imposed on Russia.

Ques. So, since you have read about North Korea, tell me something about the Korean War.

Me: the communist powers, mainly the USSR, was supporting North Korea whereas the USA was supporting South Korea.

Ques. Year?

Me: 1970s, I think.

Ques. Sure?

Me: I am not sure sir. Sorry

Question: Who is the dictator now?

Me: KIM JONG UN since 2011 after the death of his father. 94-2011 was KIM JONG IL.

Ques. So what are the firsts about MOM

Me: three firsts-

  1. First time in maiden attempt
  2. First time in the least cost
  3. First Asian country

And overall it is a very good step

  1. Firstly, this allied tech can be used in a lot of Page on places.eg. Communication
  2. PSLV is ISROs expertise, and we get a lot of international assignments for the same. It is great.
  3. It inspires young kids to take up science Hence, it is a great achievement for the country

Ques. What is the full form?

Me: Mars orbital mission

Ques. Think of some first related to that

Me : (thinking aloud) Earth’s orbit to Mars orbit. But that would be done by every rocket. So, I don’t know

P1: Okay, thank you. Take something. Take all three( there were three things).

Me: Thank you, Sir. This one is fine ( picked a toffee and went )

Check Top IIMs Admission Stories

IIMs Admission Procedure

  • Stage 1- The first stage is appearing for the Common Aptitude Test or CAT Exam conducted by the IIMs (GMAT for international candidates).
  • Stage 2- On clearing the required cut-offs and the composite score, a candidate is called for Written Test/Group Discussion and Personal Interview (PI). The candidate must provide 2 letters of recommendation from people who know them closely for academic and professional validation.
  • Final Stage- The final offers of admission to candidates in each category will be made strictly on the basis of the final aggregate score, taking into account various weights such as work experience, gender, school board etc.


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