Candidates should visit the website for registration for B.E/ B. Tech (LEET) courses.
Haryana LEET | Haryana LEET Application Process | Haryana LEET Exam Pattern | Haryana LEET Result | Haryana LEET CutOff |
- First of all candidate has to select the course name and subsequently submit his/her personal details like Name, Date of birth, Father / Mother name, qualification, address details etc in online application form
- The candidate shall also upload his/her passport size Coloured Photograph (JPG File Max. 50KB Size) and Specimen Signature (JPG File Max. 50KB Size) on online application form. Before submitting the online application form, the candidate can check and edit his/her registration details. Further, the candidate should also ensure that the photograph & signature uploaded are his/her own photograph & signature. The incorrect information submitted in online application form shall not be entertained and in such a case the candidate is required to resubmit a fresh online application form and the fee should also be deposited against the fresh application form
- Candidate will be asked to submit 3 choices of OLET centers for appearing in the OLET
- The candidate shall be allotted OLET centre out of the choices filled in the online application form, depending on the capacity of a particular centre otherwise any of the OLET centre where capacity is available shall be allotted
- On successful submission of registration details, the system will display a printable registration form consisting of Application Form Number with other registration details as filled and submitted by the candidate
- It is must for the candidate to take print out of the filled in Application Form and e-challan for deposition of Entrance test fee from the website after online submission of application form
- The entrance test fee is to be deposited through e-challan generated from the website in the bank (AXIS or PNB)
- Candidates are advised to fill up two centers and two shifts. Anyhow candidates will be
Allotted center and shifts of his choice only if it is available