CGPEE 2020 Result Released on November 16; Check Details Here

Cotton University has declared the result for CPGEE 2020 PG on November 16. It has released the merit list in PDF format and candidates can check their results on the official website of the University;

For admissions in various UG and PG programs, Cotton University uses the CPGEE entrance exam. For PG, applicants can either choose to give the exam in which case only the score of the exam will be considered or they can be admitted based on their scores in the bachelor’s degree.

Read More: Cotton University Admissions

CPGEE 2020: Steps to Check Results

Applicants can check the merit list of CPGEE 2020 by following these steps. 

  • Visit the official website of Cotton University Assam;
  • On the homepage, find the tab of Admissions 2020
  • A new tab will be opened, search for CPGEE Result 2020
  • Enter your login credentials and select submit
  • The result will now be displayed on your screen
  • Check yourself in the merit list and take a print out of the result for future references

CPGEE 2020: Counselling

The University will release the cut-off list for various specializations on the official website. Candidates should always keep an eye on the website for any updates. The counselling process usually consists of these steps.

  • The cut-off list is released by the University
  • The University releases a google form where the applicant will have to fill choices according to the cut-off
  • Candidates will be called for counselling and admissions formalities will be wrapped up
  • Applicants with a category will have a separate counselling session


CPGEE 2020: Documents Verification

The applicant will need to bring the following documents in original and copies at the time of counselling. In case someone is found lacking, his candidature might be rejected.

  • Class 10 marksheet
  • Class 12 marksheet
  • Bachelor Degree in proper specialization with all semester wise marksheet
  • Date of Birth Certificate
  • Category Certificate of the relevant nature if any
  • Income Certificate if applicable

CPGEE 2020: Reservations

50% of the seats will be reserved for applicants who are graduates of Cotton University while the other 50% is open to the rest of the candidates. Category wise reservation is given below.

OBC/MOBC SC ST(Plain) ST(Hills)
15% 7% 10% 5%