CBSE Class 10, 12 Term 1 Result 2022 Expected To Release in January: Here's What You Should Know

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), class 10th and Class 12th term 1 exam result is now expected to be released in the month of January 2022 after the end of the CBSE Class 10th and Class 12th exam. 

The result will soon be released on the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education at 

As per the exam schedule, the CBSE Class 12th Exam 2021 for the term 1 session will conclude by December 29, 2021. While the last exam for class 10th students was held on December 11, 2021, for English subjects. 

After the commencement of CBSE Term 1 Exam 2021, the examination board has started the preparation for internal examination and result release. Once after the revaluation process, the result will be officially published on the board's official website. 

As of now, no result release dates have been released by the board. The CBSE Results are expected to be released within 10 days (1-2 weeks) after the exam commencement. Students who appeared for the exam are advised to keep a tab on the board’s website for result updates. 

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CBSE Term 1 Result 2022: Key Points for Result Evaluation 

Below are the few important points CBSE Class 10th and Class 12th Board Exam 2021 students should know for December 2021 examination: 

  • CBSE would not fail any students in the December 2021 examination. The pass and fail result will only be released after the overall performance analyses of both term 1 and term 2 examinations.
  • As per the CBSE Board Exam 2021 making scheme, the term 1 examination for both class 10th and class 12th students will carry a total weightage of 50 percent. The remaining syllabus will be included in the term 2 examinations. 
  • For the term, 1 CBSE Result 2021 evaluation, only the 50% weightage will be evaluated for students. The result will be prepared as per the result calculation formula released by the board. 
  • For the theoretical examination, total marks will be given out of 50 for the term 1 session. Additional marks will be added to the theoretical exam based on internal assessments submitted by the students for various subjects. 
  • As for those students who could not appear for the examination due to any reasons, they will not be alloted with any average marks for the term 1 session. Instead, absent students would be marked as "absent" in the result.
  • In the final result, how absent students will be marked for overall term 1 and term 2 result evaluation is still not clear. More details for the same will be released by the examination board. 

Recently, the CBSE has successfully conducted the examination for CBSE Class 12 Home Science students on December 22, 2022, in various exam centers across the country. 

Students who appeared for the examination can calculate their expected scores by checking their answers with CBSE Answer Key 2022 release. 

Check: CBSE Class 12 Home Science Term-1 Answer key 2021 (Released)

Earlier, the CBSE Board released a notice stating that students who failed in CBSE 2020 compartment exam can now appear in CBSE Term 2 Exam 2022 as private candidates. The notice was released on the official website on December 10, 2021. 

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