Vibhash Kumar Jha is the Head of the Journalism Department at Agrasen College. He is working as a Journalist for the last 34 years and has 33 years of teaching experience. He has taught Journalism in many colleges. He is passionate about this field because it allows him to meet new people of different fields and create new ideas every day. He considers himself a student because he enjoys his field.

Agrasen College Raipur

What is the functioning of your institute?

“Providing students with a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses”

The functioning of our college is focused on the smooth working of various undergraduate and postgraduate courses. We have 11 courses here in our college, those are-, BBA, BA, BJMC, BCA, PGDC, MSW, & many more, we also provide a detailed study of all the courses available in our college, we have well-educated teachers who hold, Ph.D. & many more different degrees, we provide students practical learnings, theory learning & many more different facilities.

What are the opportunities available for the growth of students?

“Encourage students to participate in various internships, seminars, and placement activities”

My college is involved in various activities like internships, seminars, and placements for the development of our students. I am myself a journalist, I have many connections in different organizations & workplaces, I’m still active in those activities so I place my students in those organizations and companies, I send them for internships, placements, teaching programs, seminars, etc. Even in PR agencies, ad agencies our students are working, while doing the internships they get prepared for working in jobs in different companies, not only in Chhattisgarh but also in other cities- such as Mumbai, Delhi, etc. 

What are the future goals of this institution?

“Our future goal is to develop our studio & college”

We are planning for a Radio station for our college, materials are available, just a government process is going on. Hopefully, soon we will begin with that. Apart from that we are also planning for an internet Radio which is a very new radio which many people may not know & students will get practical training over there on TV, Radio, etc. these are different things which we will start with our students.

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What is the greatest strength of this college?

“Presence of Studio is the greatest strength of our college”

Our strength is the studio, as this studio is the college, there is no such Studio in any private area over here. It’s the best advantage we have, apart from this our students are our greatest strength, they are very hardworking, friendly & family-like, so we don’t have to struggle in any kind of way to teach them, they are very smart, they take interest in studies because we give them practical learning which is very important, this has been a lot more helpful for us as a teacher to teach them.

According to you, which education system is better, Foreign or Indian? 

“The Indian Education System is better as it leads to the overall development of the students”

Traditionally we always should have the Gurukul Ashram method of education, which is best according to me, Gurukul Ashram is not a simple or pen paper-oriented method of learning as at that time printing was not available, so learning by listening, listening is the most powerful way to learn & get educated, early age people, they use to teach in that way, it means it advokes the principle of Gurukul, Education is done in most powerful manner & most practical manner, I want to say Indian Education System is better, we develop students in each way.

What do you want people to know about this institute which they may not know?

“Our college provides students with 11 various courses”

I want to tell people for our college in deep that, our college has 11 courses, we offer our courses to students, we suggest them what to study according to their interest, we teach them even before taking admission by telling them future jobs of ever particular courses, we have Media Radio station here, which is not in any private institute, I’m proud of us having this station’.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Believe in yourself and carefully use the power of Media”

One should never misuse the power as the media gives you a lot of powers, Midea is very powerful & for better welfare one should always know his worth. Students should be careful about choosing the streams, deciding their future with their eyes open, see that they don’t hurt anyone in the process, respect parents & teachers who support them to become better people, who always be with them in hard times, so be careful, be strong.