Mr. Ashok Kumaran is currently working as the Director at VICTORY INSTITUTIONS OF ART AND DESIGN, Tiruvannamalai. With vast experience in the education field, he has been an integral part of many academic associations, conferences, committees and institutions. Also, Mr. Ashok Kumaran has attended and organized many workshops, seminars and webinars for students all across the globe. 

Victory Institutions of Art and Design

What has been your vision for the education sector?

“Creating Entrepreneur Skills to show the right path to the student’s future”

For the education sector, one should have creative skills; they have to achieve their dreams to grow financially and professionally in the future world. Also, with good mental strength and experience of the future technology. In the education sector, not only classroom teaching is important but there is a requirement for practical exercises as well.

Being a director, how would you describe your leadership style?

“Proper planning to give the best education”

We have a good plan for taking care of individual students, giving them the good knowledge and right attitude. As a Director to make decisions. I consult with all the fellow leaders and give importance to their POVs. Another aspect of leadership is providing empowerment to Deans, Principals, Professors and Admins. This builds accountability and responsiveness among the staff.

How do you strategize the key plans for the administration of your school?

“A pre-planned and structured mode of operations”

We provide high-class learning experience to our students, we are also responsible for capacity building, training, consultancy, and technological outreach. We have a well-defined vision and mission to clear the road maps for students and grow rapidly to this education industry. We have an integrated approach and provide all the required facilities to the respective representatives as well. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institution?

“Potential building capacity and professional attitude”

We are giving a more advanced creative skill development curriculum to our students as well as faculty. More innovative approaches are given to theoretical knowledge and practical practices. Moreover, our institution is giving more knowledge on how to perform efficiently, how to simplify the process, how to create the different design and process conveniently, and how to increase the efficiency of the system. Through our live projects and dissertation programs, the students gain the rightful attributes and knowledge, and mindset to be a future entrepreneur. 

Check Victory Institutions of Art and Design Courses & Fees

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the students are?

“Imparting quality education systems and overall welfare”

College is taking many unique steps to bring both inward and outward changes in the working culture for the betterment of students as a whole. As a Director, I am responsible for seeing how we are imparting the student-skill program and experiential learning for student’s benefit and comfort. We also have the right type of surveillance system to check whether students are getting the right education or not. We have separate sections for revenue generation, consultancy, students’ welfare, surveillance and conduction of examination to ensure smooth processing.

What do you think should be the institution's top priority over the next 10 years?

“Develop at par with the latest art of Design technologies”

At present, usage of digital technology is on the rise. In the Design field as well, there is a good scope of this future technology. We are supposed to be equipped with the infrastructure facility and train our faculty members in emerging areas like artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and big data analytics, etc. in the coming times. There is also a need to articulate different concepts of Design and Digital Technology that would help students outperform in many fields. We are aiming to move towards design skills so that we can have creative and most innovative futurepreneurs. We are planning to develop transformations related to production, productivity, quality, sustainability and climate change to benefit our students and industry.

How has your vision for the institution evolved over time?

“To enhance the research infrastructure and gain top ranking”

In order to create innovative and cost-effective designs, excellent design technology mixes strong technical background with robust fashion sense, and students continuously strive to develop it. We are also committed to increasing quality research publications from our faculty members and ejecting a potentially promising new generation of design professionals. We are moving forward with a new vision to be the most popular choice for design students globally. 

Click Victory Institutions of Art and Design Faculty

What do you see as your institution’s greatest strengths?

“Quality inputs in the design sector”

As Design technology is a professional course, we promote experiential learning along with theory concepts. Hi-Tech infrastructure, well-established large library, expert faculties and peaceful studying environment are our greatest strengths. We also possess the best Design courses along with Fashion and Interior Education, that are unique to any other college in the region. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?

“Choose wisely and learn new things”

I suggest to all the students choose your path very clearly and learn best creative skills in the chosen field. Because in the future world, those who have the good skill to survive, are the future leaders, innovators and builders.