IEM Institute of Event Management is typically involved in the managerial studies of Event Industry. An institute that delivers typical knowledgeable lectures from the experts that restores a student’s mind with maximum benefits of the industry. IEM Institute of Event Management is the only institute based on Professional Skillful Academics who supports Digital Learning as a best value including Live Classroom, Recorded Sessions, Online Assessments, Live assignments and through this the institute pledged for a safe environment of current education to be delivered at each corner of the nation.

Now the question arises- Why do you wish to join IEM for having a stable career in Event Management? Here are seven unbelievable facts about IEM that will clear the vision and make your approach easier to take admission in IEM.

  1. Expert Educators- IEM assures you the faculties that are industry experts and holds upon a great experience of events and its modernity. With the changed time the outline of events has also changed and that requires a new module to settle up the market for the upcoming talents. This institute has built a panel of brilliant faculties across the nation to run a desired education system that leads a mind-blowing learning programme. 

  2.  Campus Ambiance - IEM’s best achievement as an institute is its classroom structure. Till today we have found many institute focusing on one mode of education as an option either OFFLINE or ONLINE. But with the new requirements IEM has developed a tendency of LIVE CLASSROOMS. 
    Yes! You have heard it right. The institute has settled a platform that brings the ongoing class live on your screen and completes the online platform of learning.  This new sense can solve many problems of students who think that online classes are specifically waste because it allows them to feel like they are in the classroom to earn valuable subject learning.

  3. Modern Skills- It’s a belief that with the change in the current market values the art of events is also changing and the same knowledge must be delivered in the students of Event Industry. With the meaningful of thought of giving the right education IEM has stood with the best learning Education Allies to provide the modern skills to the students as a current programme deliverables. This ensures their smooth career settling in the market as leaders/ entrepreneurs. A valuable & pocket affordable education is the necessity of each student and IEM vows to give outstanding each time.

  4.  Prestigious Practical & Incredible Internships- Institute of Event Management understands the importance of practical learning and training that needs to be reached to the students with a level of greatness. To make it a win -win situation the institute has tied up with huge count of event ventures that are ready to invite the students on their event s to grab a fact based learning.

    The internship (On-Job Training) is a source that gives an exact idea of Event Venture’s working and also it allows an aspirant to raise his/ her belief in the industry as an employee/ leader & boss. To fulfill the same expectations of a student IEM promised to reach out to the renowned companies. 

  5. Placement & Assistance- Till now everybody has delivered placement as a final step of academic each institute is offering. The question arises “How many of them really got the desired job?”What IEM has done with its placement services is typically a unique step of building a career in event industry. Now it’s a very easy platform to grab the desired job. Like IEM we love to offer the job to the students as Lifetime Placement Assistance Opportunity. Apart from that one more innovation that we have driven is the slogan of our Indian Government “ AATMANIRBHAR BHARAT”. Yes, we believe in raising entrepreneurs by giving out students Career Coaching Guidelines from the desk of experts via IEM.

Here with the above benefits now you can relate that your career at IEM will be amazing. Also as it says in their brief IEM is the one that presents you with the qualities of Innovation, Enthusiasm & Masterly. The final words from the President & CEO Ms. Shweta Kumar as she says- “Lead Your Passion, Your Profession Will Lead You.