B.N. Pati is presently serving as the Director of Srimati Techno Institute, Kolkata. Apart from having a rich experience in teaching and mentoring, he has worked with government of West Bengal at Calcutta Tram Company for 3 years as well. In addition, he is an insightful educationist and academician working for benefits of youths taking initiatives for free training and vocation programs for underprivileged and financially unstable ones in the region. 

Srimati Techno Institute

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Successful training and development of youths”

I believe that we, the teachers and education institutions, are part and parcel of the society where it is our responsibility to train and employee the youth. We hereby confirm the future of younger children of our nation, as a successful and brighter one, with full development and growth – personally and professionally. 

How does the curriculum of your Institute prepare students for real world challenges?

“Innovative pedagogy and education training”

We believe that practical knowledge is more important than theoretical knowledge. We are training students on live scenarios, in all respective traits we let are students understand how their learning is going to be implemented as on job process. We have online classes followed by the practical classes which ensure on job training successfully. Srimati Techno Institute always believes in providing education in an innovative way so that our future aspirants can learn and compete in a healthy way without taking any kind of psychological stress. 

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What is your philosophy of leadership? 

“Good leaders are made not born”

An effective and influential leader develops through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. If you have the desire and willpower to lead and achieve great missions, you must never stop learning and practicing. 

What do you see as your Institute’s greatest strengths? 

“Prioritizing students’ development and effective leadership”

The greatest strength of Srimati Techno in the leadership style as how we conduct ourselves and show students path towards their success. We care for their future and academic growth and provide one to one assistance, individual care and personal training. Our top priority and vision is providing best possible development and standard employment encompassing all potential and value of our aspiring students. 

Any suggestions you want to give to aspiring students?

“Dedication, Innovation, Hard work”

My message to the aspiring students is that dedication and innovation is a vital point for any type of academic or skill based training sets. Without dedication and hard work it is not possible to succeed. To learn, we must conceptualize the work rather than only mugging it up.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“Working on everyone’s console and mutual respect”

The students are coming to us are mature enough to know how mutual respect works. We make them understand the importance of mutual respect and social behaviours to create a healthy atmosphere for all. Our faculty, academic head and our administration always try to make it a grievances free institution with minimal possibility of any clash. We connect with all the students at personal level for giving and taking feedback, one to one on a regular basis.