Maharshi Menhi Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital

Dr Gulab Chand Mehta is the Principal at Maharshi Menhi Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital. He has a rich and a diverse experience in the field of Homeopathy. He brings with him a pandora's box of learning and shares the rich and diverse experience with his students and faculty. He emphasizes on research based learning for students to grow and prosper. Read here what he has to say in his interview

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“The new era of modernization has opened new doors for education”

The critical program's strategy is that the education system can be much more developed concerning the new era of modernization. We benefit from this skill in terms of the improvement of health care facilities. The health program is planned for the society, and the health system improvement is our key factor.

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/ school?

“We make sure to teach students via practical implementation”

In my college, the education system is adopted by the central council of homeopathy, New Delhi, and as per the instruction of the Ministry of AYUSH. Here, we ensure students understand the homeopathy in the real frame. The theory and practical classes are held regularly and clinical classes in both OPD and IPD so that the knowledge, in theory, can be executed in clinical classes.

How does the curriculum of your institution ensure the best practice of industry?

“It is essential for students to acquire practical knowledge of the curriculum”

To ensure the best practice, the college curriculum is curated so that the output of the understanding of Homeopathy can be uplifted. The health care facilities provided by our personnel in the institute depend on how much they gain the knowledge and their understanding. The curriculum must be practical and feasible for the standard and tender too

Check Maharshi Menhi Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Courses & Fees

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“A pivotal aspect of smooth functioning is to establish a healthy environment in the institution”

My role as an Institution head for the institution and the students is to maintain a healthy environment and a friendly atmosphere. To maintain the institution's decorum and dignity, the staff and students must be devoted to their work. This ensures a cordial relationship between the students and the teachers.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Education and training via research is crucial”

The university's top priority is quality education and training. Another important aspect is to develop the research activity to open the new era of homeopathy. The research wing must be open in each college, and they can be regulated by the university and also analyse the research work.

What do you see as your College’s greatest strengths?

“The greatest strength of our college is our patients and students”

 Our patients taught us to understand the disease in a better and practical way. There are many diversified types of patients in our college, and they gave us a lesson to better understand the disease patterns. The students are also the critical portion because their education and training depend on building the nation. They are the torchbearer of Homeopathy.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Develop a better understanding towards homeopathy”

My suggestion for the current youth and aspiring students is to learn Homeopathy, understand Homeopathy, and live with Homeopathy. A better understanding of the system builds the nations in a better way, and it ensures the uplifting of Health care facilities of the society.

Click Maharshi Menhi Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Faculty

What are some plans that you’re currently designing for your college?

“We are planning to expand our horizons through research”

We plan to develop the research in Homeopathy on different and familiar disease work prevalent in our society. The second portion is to develop the emergency can be handled in our college so that mortality can be minimized.