Chandan Roychoudhury has been working as the Head of CST Department at Techno India Durgapur. He has 3 years of industry experience in the IT Support domain in Cognizant and has been teaching as a Basic Lecturer for the last 2 years.
Being the Department Head at Techno India Durgapur, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
"Inculcating best skills in students and preparing them for the outside world is my responsibility"
As a Department Head, I am responsible for strengthening the technical concepts of students and inculcating best ethical values in them. Also, enhancing intellectual skills and entrepreneurship qualities of students along with instilling social skills in them through an innovative teaching-learning process also comes under the scope of my responsibilities. Apart from this, providing training programs to them so that they can develop on both personal and professional level is my biggest concern being the Head.
How do you maintain healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?
"By being a good listener and support system for them"
For the purpose of ensuring a cordial relationship with them, I always maintain a positive attitude while interacting with them and also offer help and support to them when in need. Also, we all respect the boundaries of each other and maintain a respectful and trustworthy communication environment for each in college.
How do you bring in a practical and industry driven approach towards subjects?
"Through events and technical sessions which we conduct in collaboration with industry people"
Our institute has collaborated with reputed industries for organizing apprenticeships for students and enhancing their subject knowledge through a wide variety of events and training programs. Also, hands-on training sessions are arranged whenever required followed by Alumni and Industry interaction sessions.
Which best practices are offered by your department to students to help them gain necessary skills?
"We conduct lot of experiments and motivate them to learn new skills"
We have provided the modernized and well resourced laboratories to students to conduct practical experiments and explore topics in more depth. And we regularly encourage them to try things by coming out of their comfort zones.
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How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it beneficial for the students?
"We sent our teachers to attend FDPs so that curriculum can developed and implemented properly"
In order to draft and update the curriculum of our college, we first sent our faculty members to attend the Faculty Development Programs with respect to current industry standards and needs. And along with best learning opportunities, the curriculum also offers work related windows to students and we have established an amazing infrastructure and labs in college for the same.
Apart from this, the curriculum of courses which we offer to students has been designed and approved by WBSCTE-VE and SD and AICTE and we strictly follow their instructions and guidance throughout the whole process.
How does your college prepare students for the placements and higher education?
"They are prepared for both the things through dedicated training programs"
We organize JELET classes on a regular basis to prepare our students for higher studies and Postgraduate Degree courses like PG Diploma or BE/B. Tech. And proper training programs are arranged by the Placement Cell of our college for students who want to do a job right after finishing their respective courses from the institute.
How do you prepare your students to deal with the outside competitive world?
"By providing internships to them and organizing professional visits for them"
For the purpose of preparing our students for the actual world, enhancing their technical skills and making them more confident, we arrange apprenticeships, hands-on training programs, industrial visits, extensive laboratory sessions, industry interaction sessions and Alumni Lectures for them as and when required.
Which extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skill of students?
"Technical quizzes, events, expert sessions and guest lectures are arranged by us"
Our college firmly understands the fact that co-curricular activities are very important for students' overall growth and development, hence we keep organizing different kinds of activities including soft skills training for students for interview preparation and enhancement of their communication skills. In addition to this, we conduct special classes to enhance Aptitude and Reasoning skills of students and JELET so that they can prepare properly for higher studies. Last but not least, projects are assigned to them on a regular basis.
What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?
"Lack of money to establish modern infra and assigning multiple tasks to teachers is a hurdle for us"
There are many challenges which we are facing at different levels but the most prominent ones include lack of finance to build the required infrastructure for Department activities, outdated subjects syllabus which ultimately lead to absence of necessary skills and knowledge in students. Along with this, high college dropout among students during the covid-19 was also a serious challenge for us. Lastly, many teachers in our college are adhering to many responsibilities which lead to productivity loss in them and students get affected further during lectures as teachers focus gets distributed between multiple works.
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When you joined this college, what was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve the same?
"Achieving excellence in all work I do and providing best education to students was my aim"
When I joined the Techno India Durgapur as the Department Head, my aim was to achieve excellence in my teaching and academic career by developing my technical knowledge and making students creative and culturally aware so that they can study properly in a safe, accessible and affordable environment. And to implement my goals, I first identify the target or results which I have to achieve at the end of the day, because proper planning is must before executing any task.
How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of industry?
"It is equipped with latest industry requirements as developed under the supervision of industry experts"
The curriculum which our college design and also regularly update as per students requirements and industry demands is based on goals which we define at the start of the process and Industry Advisory Board is also involved in the whole process. And after it comes into force, we regularly motivate our faculty members and students as well to sincerely adhere to the syllabus so that they both can learn and develop their skills.