Mr. Nibir Saha is the Director at Institute of Advance Education & Research (IAER). He is an experienced professional with a plethora of experience in the education sector. With his experience, he wants to create a difference in the way the learning is passed on to the students. He is a visionary who believes in practical learning and moving with the industrial trends. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

IAER Kolkata

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“I’m in the process of creating the future of the country”

I don’t see education as an industry because the industry is where you see your professional growth. You have some personal motivation to be there. But education is a field that gives me the pleasure of nurturing the young mind, upbringing our children. So the education sector is not a field for me. It is work which I love to do. Here we get to see the results of our work, vision, and effort in some time only. So, to do something to make the future of our country is the biggest motivation.

What is your philosophy of leadership? 

“Working together for optimal results is what I believe in”

Leadership, what I understand, is to take everyone along with you towards the goal. It is essential to facilitate everything, be it service, infrastructure, or any other thing, to your students, colleagues, or your subordinates so that they can work with full energy to do their job with full accountability. I try to be available all the time for my people.

How does the curriculum of your University ensure the best practice of industry?

“Our focus is to make our students industry ready”

We are affiliated with MAKAUT University. Thus, we follow the curriculum prescribed by them. But apart from that, our primary focus is on making our students industry-ready. Nowadays, the problem current youth face is they might have scored very good in academics, but they probably find themselves unable to cope with the market when they hit the job. So for that, we are running a few additional courses which can make a person more employable. These are skill development programs. 

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Any insights into how your University could be more welcoming to students of economic backgrounds?

“We ensure to provide scholarship opportunities to the deserving students”

Firstly, our fee structure is quite affordable. So more or less, it covers a big chunk of the population quickly. But we have to see the other side also that many students are deserving but are not financially strong. And they need a push, so for such students, we have a 100% scholarship plan. These students can get their entire college education for free from our college. 

What are the steps taken by your University in order to tackle the COVID-19 situation?

“We did not face much hassle to move our teaching processes online”

Covid 19 has badly shaken all of us. But thankfully the courses we offer are technical courses like IT and Business Management. So these courses anyway have lots of internet dependence. Therefore, we quickly shifted our entire teaching mode to the online platform. Initially, we had some fight to modify or change the way and prepare the video classes and all. But after some time, we could quickly move to a digital platform. Our students and the professors both are tech-savvy, so even in this pandemic, we operated well. This pandemic has given us a new perspective on teaching and learning. I feel that this online mode of education is the new normal.

What do you see as your University’s greatest strengths?

“The continuous interaction with the industry experts keeps our system updated”

As I already have mentioned, we focus on bridging the gap between the curriculum and the market requirement to make the students more industry-ready. We provide lots of skill development programs to fill this gap. And our next strength is our robust or healthy placement cell, which works tirelessly to make it stronger. Since we keep interacting with industry personnel, it helps to keep our system updated.

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What are some challenges for the education sector and for your University specifically?

“There is a limited scope of research”

If I talk about higher education in general, then I am repeatedly talking about a gap. And to fill this gap, we need to change our syllabus massively. This old syllabus is making our fresh students outdated. If I talk about college, I want to focus on the research side of education more. Because that is a tool that enables us to enrich the quality of our education. Though frankly speaking, in my college, the scope for research is minimal.