With over 22 years of work experience as an Educational Technologist and Operations Management Professional, Prof. Aindril De is currently working as the Director Academics of Amity University Online. With a knack of driving new innovations, and process optimizations through digital transformation, he has worked with many Multinational companies across the world. Prof. De has also been an integral part of several capacity development training projects launched under Govt. of India. 

Amity Center of Online Education

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Interdisciplinary approaches for shaping the future”

Our students today are the future of tomorrow's great nation. Education is the basic tool that caters the formation of their future in an effective and innovative way. Teachers play an important role in that. Every educator and professional related to the education sector is driven by the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction for playing their part in modelling the good future of the budding youths. Whatever the field it is, wherever you start from, it is the sense of fulfilment and responsibility that keeps us connected towards education. 

How would you describe your leadership style?

“Team membership and shared leadership style”

I firmly believe that achieving a common goal or accomplishing outstanding results requires membership efforts and cultural shift of team personnel. Building and nurturing a team that shares responsibilities and achievements is a prerequisite of great success in life. As John Quincy Adams had said - 'If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.' 

How does the curriculum of your University ensure the best practice of industry?

“Skill based training and strong career prospects”

Our primary concern here is to empower students with confidence and skills that aid them face real world challenges in a better way. Our main focus is not only on industry expectations and requirements, but also on up gradation of knowledge and positivity among students to help them learn and guide others too. Seminars, Webinars, Guest Lectures and workshops along with well-established curriculum and diverse subject knowledge providing strong and valuable experience help students learn ins and outs of their specialised courses and understand their practical applicability. 

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Vision with a Mission”

With advancement in science and technology, education priorities have changed to a great extent where people follow influencing working systems that benefits them immediately and effectively. Our mission is to build such a system for each and every field of education that appeals globally and handles these unsteady changing environments with ease and maturity. 

What are the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

“Education must teach us Emotional intelligence rather than intelligence quotient”

Respecting each other’s feelings and consents, being empathetic and helpful in needs is the first thing every child must learn. These are the values that make us human beings. We need to put in practice value based learning and teaching that imparts in students a sense of compatibility and responsibility not only for their peers but also for the whole human race.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your college?

“Positive relationships lead to better performances”

Relationships are the positive bonds that promote social interactions and constructive environments of trust and support within students and faculty. We often conduct talk-with sessions, mentoring programs, personal growth and counselling sessions wherein every student gets an opportunity to interact with each other & faculty members discussing their emotions and problems. Our sole motive behind this is to foster a safe supporting learning environment that embraces positive attitudes and beliefs, cultural and linguistic competence.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Be Imaginative, Creative and Innovative”

This is the golden phase of your life. Enjoy it with the greatest ease but at the same time work for a great future for yourself and your country. Be revolutionary; bring the change you want to see in the world. Be the shining light that shows the path to a happy and peaceful life. Enhance your skills and weave it into a master plan that reflects commitment and determination.