Dr. D.S. Narban is the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at KK Modi University, Durg. He has completed his Ph.D. (Psychology), M.A. (Psychology), PGDBM (MBA) and PGDEM. He has 12+ years of teaching experience and 10+ years of industry experience. He is a Practicing Psychologist and a Corporate Trainer, with extensive university-level teaching experience in various subjects of Psychology, Strategic HRM, OB, OD, Mindful Leadership, Ethics and Values Building, Happiness, Cross-Cultural Competency, Personality Development, Business Communication. He has over four decades of leadership experience in the practical application of these subjects in challenging top organizational settings.

K.K. Modi University

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“An inborn sense of responsibility towards the career and future of the students”

The responsibilities are given to me by the university. It is all about enriching the students with applied knowledge, analytical skills, the right attitude, team spirit, and passion to excel. Being a faculty of Psychology and Management, my subject areas are critical and creative thinking skills, mindful leadership, positive psychology to include the science of happiness, applied psychology for the Business World, Principles of ethics, and various subjects of Human Resource Management. These are highly involving subjects for their immense value in professional and even personal lives. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?

“All components are practical in approach with a focussed orientation towards the industry”

A practical approach is both, the process and the outcome in the facilitation of learning. Students are taught right from the beginning to apply their minds to the subject so they may express themselves freely. Secondly, they are told to challenge what the faculty tells. This sharpens their analytical mind. At KK Modi University, students have the opportunity to prepare for workshops by studying in advance, submitting practical assignments, doing Harvard Case Studies, and synthesizing concepts in workshops. As well, turn in group assignments, complete a group project in the field, and prepare a project presentation. 

What are the challenges you are facing to uplift the quality of education?

To have a proactive approach and utilize time properly is a challenge”

Challenges are the situations that demand far greater mental and physical effort presenting an environment wherein ‘time’ invariably is a scarce resource. The global pandemic presented a challenge to academics. I wish to share that KK Modi University moved on to Zoom and Microsoft Teams well before the mode of learning was changed to online elsewhere. The assignments ever since have been on CollPoll and Moodle learning platforms. 

How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your institute?

“Exchange of ideas and discovering the best solutions together”

In the institute, everyone has a role, be it the student, the staff, or the faculty. At KK Modi University, we firmly believe that it is the integration of all roles that makes it a home. Every role is respected. We energize minds to think differently. Here differing views are exchanged freely, but by walking over the invisible strong relational bond respecting own and the others’ role. 

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What are some of the biggest challenges for the higher education sector?

“Currently, maintaining a steady flow of knowledge during a pandemic”

Talent acquisition, retention, diversity management, and change management are the biggest challenges in general. These have compounded with restrictions on physical movements due to the pandemic. However, at KK Modi University, as one has seen over the years is that the university has been very choosy in the acquisition of talent, the norms are well set and adhered to. Change management is smooth here, changeover to online learning mode is a recent example of it.

How do you help your students cope with the intense competition in the outside world?

“Continuous support academically and psychologically”

Through various experiential exercises, students learn the value of competition. Breakout rooms are also widely used in an online setting, with the class divided at random into groups to discuss and present back in the main room. Thus, students not only embrace competition but also excel in it. In fact, this aspect gets well added to their personality.

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What valuable advice would you like to give the students?

“Learning about the profession that interests you and upskilling is essential”

Here is what I have been telling my students. For any industrial house, there are only two things that matter: first, your ability to do the job well and second, your fit with the environment. Just prepare yourself for these two. Allow every subject that you study to become a part of your personality. Commit yourself to be a life-long learner and, remain a good human being.