Amit Baruah is working as an Assistant Professor at Inspiria Knowledge Campus. He has done Bachelor’s of Mass Communication and an MA in Journalism and Mass Communication including a Diploma in Film Making and Camera Handling. He is having 3 years of industry experience and he is in academics for roughly 1.5 years. He has also worked as the Head of Production in a Production Company before joining Inspiria. He is a passionate filmmaker and educator. 

Inspiria Knowledge Campus

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“To make a better self by making educated choices in this film called ‘life’”

Students are at the core that forms the fundamental building blocks of a nation. It is a huge transition, this (college), for the students, walking out of school and acclimatizing themselves with the Degree expectations. My accountability towards my students is to make them Industry ready by implementing adequate skills. However, to make them better and conscious individuals by making sure that every day is a new learning experience for them is my end goal!

How do you introduce a practical approach towards subjects?

“By developing interest in the subject. You can only make an informed decision when you know your history well” 

B.Sc. Film and Television is a beautiful amalgamation of both Theory and Practical for holistic film industry skill development. It is a subject that cannot do much without a hands-on approach. For instance, when the students learn about Television Production, it becomes paramount for them to know the history and the legacy of television and its development in India. It is similar when you talk about Films, there are multiple theories that need to be acclimated within the students before shooting their first blockbuster. 

Which best practices are offered by the department to the students to enhance their skills?

“Developing student's best potential self by guiding them to climb the ‘Self Actualisation’ level of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy”

The development of students is the paramount priority of the department. The department aims to achieve three goals academic excellence, practical exposure & life skills. The objective of the institution is to make students employable and industry-ready but with the best understanding of individual self. es on the individuality of the students as the field is creative and needs.

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How does your department prepare students for Higher education?

“Providing in-depth knowledge and mentoring for future endeavors”

The Media & Entertainment industry is booming in this era of this fourth industrial revolution by being the most reliable source of information, and here OTT has made it easier for the newcomers with low-budget productions to exhibit their talents. So, we encourage students to grow in-depth knowledge by pursuing higher education in the field of filmmaking by preparing for Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI) & FTTI. Faculty guide and help students to prepare for the entrance examinations for national and international colleges and universities. Our students have started making a mark across the industry in top-level media conglomerates and renowned colleges across India.

What are some of the greatest strengths of your college?

“Our territorial orientation and development programs are our main pillars of strength”

The college stands special for its uniqueness in developing highly skilled professionals with a perfectly balanced sense of personal and professional self. The motive of college is to encourage students to do what they love. 

Employability skill development is the greatest strength of our college. Additional to that strong Networking and Geographic Location adds to the strengths of our college. This I say because The media sector is growing in this region and hence the geographic location of our college is an added advantage. 

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Any valuable advice would you like to give to the students?

“Media Science is a Way of Life, live it!”

The History of HumanKind has seen 3 major Communication Revolution. First was the development of the Script. However, the Information then was restricted. Then came the development of the Printing Press. The development was closely accompanied by the invention of wheels in the 16th century, now the information was on wheels. I am sure people must have felt liberated cause information flow had seen a boost like never before. The third is perhaps the age of the Digital Revolution. We experience a phenomenon we call an ‘information overload. Life is changing and so are the metrics that define it. Stay prepared for changes is all I have to say.