Neotech Technical Campus

Dr. Nipa A Desai is the Principal at the Neotech Institute of Technology. She is currently working as a professor of Civil Engineering. She has an experience of over 20 years in industry, academia and research and holds a PhD in Transportation Planning. As a Principal, she takes immense pleasure in contributing to the youth building through quality education. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“My desire to work for the upliftment of the education field”

I have been shifted to the field of education from Industry in the year 2004 with a wide experience in the area of civil engineering planning, designing, and highway consultancy domain. My keen interest in the area of research and development motivates me to encourage students and guide them to learn various skills beyond the curriculum because I strongly believe the saying of Sir Albert Einstein that “Education is not learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style? 

“Giving them every reason to look up to me as a role model”

My philosophy of leadership is to find the strength of my students/teammates. I also aspire to give them the opportunity to excel, and above all be disciplined and perform all duties. 

“NTC implements mandatory summer and winter internships for their students. They have also undertaken the “Vishwakarma Yojna” where the students go to underdeveloped areas and come up with solution that will contribute to the development of the same”

Any insights into how your college could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Merit-based scholarships irrespective of their background”

Our college will provide financial aid to the needy students in terms of scholarships and the hostel facilities are also provided within the campus. All the amenities are provided at a very low cost to students who have a weak economic background. 

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What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for your college specifically?

“Coordination between the education and the practical knowledge”

When we talk about the biggest challenges of higher education, in general, is to identify the challenges like the demand-supply gap related to the industry. We have to focus on Project/research-based quality education and we have to find out the problem of infrastructure and basic facilities to the students related to the research and the practical exposures related to industry standards.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Take risks and be a team player”

My suggestion for them would be to have a vision. It is important to challenge yourself and check your competence. Define your goals and start working towards it with utmost dedication. The most important thing is to keep learning from your mistakes which will help you develop overall. 

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your College?

“Through various team building and leadership activities”

A healthy relationship and environment can be established by involving students and faculty members in various team building activities and allowing students to organize various events as a team. It is observe in past that through such co-working environment a strong bond has been developed between students and teachers. Students will learn to work in team and a healthy environment will be created in the campus.