Dr. Chandrani Singh is the Director at Sinhgad Institute of Management. She is pursuing Post Doctoral Studies in Information Technology with Lincoln University Malaysia(AIU Accredited). She completed a Doctorate in Philosophy in Computer Management, Master of Engineering (Comp Sc), and Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from the Department of Computer Science Engineering and Application,NIT Rourkela. She has over 22.2 years of teaching experience in recognized institutions across the states of Orissa and Maharashtra, India. Shortlisted in the category of "Most Influential Woman Edupreneur 2019" in India Education, she has won several educational awards during her career.

Sinhgad Institute of Management

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

My mission to earn, learn and share the knowledge that I had been steadily building up” 

There is something special about the academic environment. The vision was to create a very meaningful impact that could prove to be beneficial to many different stakeholders of this sector. And this sector for more than 22 years, provided me with the opportunity to interact with faculty and students which I greatly enjoyed. It helped me improve my experiences through interactions and exchange. Additionally being among Gen Z helped me to stay vibrant, energized, dynamic, and youthful.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

A leader is a catalyst who enhances the morale of the team members and motivates them”

In my opinion, a leader should set her own example, be the role model for her fellow colleagues in a true sense. Be clairvoyant to show a bigger picture to your team members. Especially in an academic institution, a leader should exhibit genuine care for students’ development. I truly believe that a leader should be responsive, not reactive, and must have patience. My team, my students, and even parents should believe in me for progression and multi-skilling.

How do you strategize about the plans for the marketing & administration of your school?

An integrated marketing approach involving promotional videos, ad campaigns & updated official website”

Marketing plans are our road map to success and all our initiatives are aligned to this road-map. 

  • Redesigning and upgrading our website from time to time to better serve the needs of our audiences.
  • Video marketing & taking advantage of social media in creating awareness 
  • Streamlining the online/offline admission procedure. 
  • Publicizing the biggest socio-cultural and techno-management event as Karandak, we have been at the forefront in publicizing our image and generating cohesive branding and communications. 

Read Sinhgad Institute of Management Courses & Fees

What is your opinion on the New Education Policy 2020?

Educational transformation is an obvious paradigm shift in pedagogy”

Education is all about development and the New Education Policy 2020 is greatly helping to bring this development to society. Online and digital education includes effective models of blended learning, content creation, and repository and its dissemination. Adult education and lifelong learning is a very promising initiative in New Education Policy 2020 giving a more philanthropic touch to education.

Sinhgad Institutes promises to implement the NEP 2020 to ensure universal access to education at all levels.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

A focus on research and innovation, & providing sustainable solutions to problems of modern education”

The vision ahead and priority are very clear. At Sinhgad Institutes, we plan ahead. We offer industries the skill sets in our students that they are looking for, which is a major reason why our students get the best placements in India and abroad. Our focus to impart futuristic education will be built around three points:

  • Adopt high-end technology to create digital classrooms in every cell phone, computer, and laptop for our students.
  • Blended Learning Methodologies and Approaches
  • Industry-Academia Collaborative approach for multi-skilling and re-skilling.

What do you see as SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT’s greatest strengths?

“Enabling students to become critical thinkers with help of excellent faculty & infrastructure”

  • State of art infrastructure – a lush green campus where we have well-equipped and furnished classrooms with the latest Audiovisual facilities, good hostel facilities, & good playgrounds. 
  • A group of high quality, dedicated and experienced teachers with vibrant ideas and methodologies to extract the best in students. 
  • High coordination, teamwork, healthy relationships among the faculty, reasonably sincere & co-operative office staff, and obedient supporting staff are the major strengths. 
  • Hardworking and well-disciplined students. We encourage independent thinking that helps students in developing holistic perception & strong domain knowledge.

Check Sinhgad Institute of Management Placement

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Be committed and have the courage to face challenges”

 “Positive and optimistic Brain programming” is the success mantra for the current youth and the aspiring students. Acceptance of the situation, Mind-Body balancing, Right attitude, Enthusiasm can be the bundle of virtues, which if present in every student, will bring a colorful future. 

My message to the youth is “Respect your family values! By family, I do not only mean to say your parents but all those people who helped to shape up your life and career!! Believe in yourself.