Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering

Dr.Vikram Patel is the Principal at Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering. Prof. Patel has had very rich experience of consultancy, professional training, student teaching & research for more than two decades. Bringing his expertise clubbed with experience, he emphasises on experiential learning for the students. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The driving force to educate students keeps me connected to education sector”

 I am a mentor by heart. After realizing that, I left my father’s construction business and decided to pursue my academic career. A sense of accomplishment comes with my students’ achievements and constructive growth. With the mission of disseminating my mentorship to the maximum enthusiasts and exploiting my utility optimally, my day begins.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“A leader is focussed on meeting institute’s objectives”

 In my opinion, leadership is an art of astonishing dedicated stakeholders and meeting the institute's objectives. I believe that without a team, no one can get success. Hence, as a leader, I have to accommodate my whole team members to put up their best efforts and motivate them to innovate new ways of working without fear of failure. Making myself available and visible while working so that others can also find motivation from my actions apart from my wordings has always been a principle.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“We ensure the maximum outreach to the right set of audience”

In terms of size, the Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering is a very small institute where we offer only three undergraduate programs named Civil & Infrastructure Engineering, Information & Communication Technology (ICT), and Electrical Engineering. Being a small institute, we have limited funds for marketing. Despite that, we try to uplift the educational quality at the institute to achieve nation-building.

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How does the curriculum of Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, Gujarat ensure the best practice of industry?

“We have curated and brought in new program to uplift the standard of education”

 At the Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, one of the programs is Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, a unique program in the whole nation, which satisfies India's future infrastructural development needs. We have blended internships and audit programs offered by industry experts and regular classroom teaching, seminars, workshops, and projects to give the institute's best quality education.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“My primary role is to adapt to the current industrial changes to enhance the learning processes”

 My primary role is to satisfy all the stakeholders of my institute, including students, parents, faculty and staff members, industry, management, and broader society. On one side, I have to keep watch on quality education, and on the other side, we have to keep looking at industry growth and their dynamics to learn what is their futuristic demand.

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Human resources are the heart of education”

To meet the next decade’s requirements, we have to train our human resources (faculty and staff) because the human resources are the heart of any educational institute. I believe in the “Train the Trainers” philosophy to meet future requirements and upgrade physical infrastructure. Satisfying students’ and parents’ needs and overall society development is the topmost priority.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, Gujarat specifically?

“Producing sound engineers into good human beings and responsible global citizens is a challenge”

 From day one, we are recruiting only well-qualified PhD holders from the best institutions across India / abroad as our faculty members. They bring different cultures of different geographical locations, so to satisfy them all and sustain them all is one of our significant responsibilities. Students are of diverse backgrounds with dynamic exposures ranging from deep rural places to developed urban pockets. Training them all under the same roof is a challenging task. Satisfying the needs of the industry in a complete dynamic ambiance is another challenge.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

“It is important to strike a balance between work and family”

I believe that we all have two families. The first one at home, which is a family of relatives and friends. The second one is in the workplace, which is another family. We all have to balance these two families so that in the end, everyone is happy in the family and society. See how profession takes one to the zenith of commitment when coupled with passion. That’s what defines my domain. That’s what determines my love. That’s what constitutes this institute.