Srinivas University

Dr. P.S. Aithal is the Vice Chancellor of Srinivas University. He has 29 years of experience in Teaching & Research and 18 years of experience in Administration. Dr. P. S. Aithal studied his B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, & Mathematics) from Poornaprajna College, Udupi during 1985-88. Having four Master degrees in Physics with Electronics, Computer Science, Information Technology, and E-Business, he got his first Ph.D. degree in Physics from Mangalore University in the area of nonlinear optical materials and second Ph.D. degree in Business Management from Manipal University. In his interview he describes the role of a leader and how a leader can guide others to the path of success. He goes on to describe his roles and responsibilities as a leader and how he brings in new ideas with innovations to bring in necessary changes. Also, he advocates for the curriculum the university has , which is a perfect blend of theoretical and practical based learning. This helps to provide a robust foundation for the students to grow. Coming at the end of the interview, he concludes by saying that it is our responsibility to promote the hidden potential in the students and help them prosper in the same.

A leader should contribute individually and to the entire team to the success 

The mission of Srinivas University is transforming society by creating innovators. We believe in a transformative leadership style by considering the leader as a Role model for others motivation. A leader should contribute individually and to the entire team to the success of an accepted task or to fulfill the objectives of the organization. Being a self-motivated person, I believe in motivating others through self-contribution to show that everything is possible. I am adopting the principles of Theory of Accountability for Organizational success which stresses on providing responsibility for individuals and holding accountability for their success or failure and Attitude – Behavior (AB) Theory for Organizational Leadership for innovative admirable Administration 

Some of the outcomes of my leadership style are : 

(1) Hard Smart Work

(2) Identifying & Encashing Opportunities

(3) Autonomy, Independence & Freedom in Academics, & Research

(4) Self-motivated role model to inspire other stakeholders

(5) Generic Strategies based on environmental challenges

(6) Open & transparent organizational system

(7) Mutual Respect (give & take)

Our strategy is to be locally engaged and globally visible

Being the Vice Chancellor of Srinivas University, I have the responsibility of taking every stakeholder of the university together to fulfill both organizational and individual objectives.

For marketing our university courses, the strategies and key programs include identifying futuristic areas along with conventional areas of higher education. Along with that, we offer new colleges and new programs at UG, PG, and research levels. Srinivas University is a Research & Skill focussed University with a strategy to be locally engaged and globally visible. Some of the key strategies are adoption of the flexible and customized model of education to prepare students for next generation challenges, offering innovative super-specialty courses at UG and PG levels in collaboration with industries (industry integrated programmes) and entrepreneurship to nurture experience seeking and enterprising mind-set of students. Also, identifying local problems and involving in solving them through cross-border universities – public private partnership which can be later scalable to the global level.

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We identify the weakness in the education system and use our autonomy to nullify these weaknesses

In my opinion, the Indian education system focuses more on historical inventions by studying many theoretical concepts than currently required experimental skills. Srinivas University, being autonomous in course, content, and evaluation system design the best of two based on SWOC analysis of Indian and foreign education systems.

The current Indian Education System gives knowledge without skills, concepts without experience, and a degree without confidence. But, Srinivas University has identified this weakness and used its autonomy to nullify these weaknesses through its innovative Srinivas Student Integrated Model for all-round development. This model has features of providing an opportunity for enhancing creativity by adopting STEAM model, opportunity for experiential learning, opportunity to innovate, Employability skill, New knowledge or New product/process development and hence gives more confidence to make challenging decisions.

We provide value added quality curriculum to provide a robust foundation for the students to grow

The curriculum focuses on building a robust foundation for the students to provide best-in class industry experience. We prepare students to make them employable through our innovations and best practices, which includes Srinivas Integrated Student Development model. The model consists of many such models juxtaposed to provide valuable insights to the students. Our focus not only revolves around students but we focus on the development of our faculty and make sure they are updated to the current trends of the industry. 

Our scholarships are merit based irrespective of the background of the students 

Srinivas University has a policy on an equal opportunity, equal respect, and equal importance to all irrespective of their gender, caste, religion, races, and economic background. Our merit scholarships are based on only merit irrespective of the background of the students.

Our responsibility is to promote the hidden potential in the students and help them prosper in the same

Being the VC of Srinivas University, I believe my roles and responsibilities are to ensure that University should be resourceful in providing opportunities to prospective innovators. Our focus is to identify problems, and provide opportunities to the student community to identify their hidden talents and the inherent potential of creative thinking. We should encourage students’ creative ideas, support for boosting self-confidence and decision-making capability. Not to forget, providing optimum service to the students by building Physical infrastructure, Digital infrastructure, Innovative academic Teaching & Learning infrastructure. Universities should transform students into assets for the industry or innovative entrepreneurs.

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The dream and vision is to be one among Top Universities by using Autonomy

Being a Founding VC, the dream and vision is to be one among Top Universities by using Autonomy. Using autonomy to do innovations in higher education and research, Srinivas University has made many modifications in its model of offering higher education. The process of accelerated innovation has begun and people are motivated for individual and Institutional contributions. After initial breathing struggles during the last 3 years, the University is now entering its comfortable zone of standardizing the facilities and features of our services. As a leader, I have also enhanced my individual performance & contribution to Teaching and Research as a Role model. During the last 4 years, I was able to contribute substantially to the IPR of the University with my Team members. To enhance Institutional performance in Research and publications, we are organizing more than 20 conferences per year and the presentations are published in the conference proceedings with ISBN. I personally promote Open systems including ethically open organizations, open source software development, usage and promotion, Open access publications, and Open access online education, etc. The University is identified as one of the top research organizations in many surveys and the Vice Chancellor is Ranked Top during the last four years in a number of scholarly research papers published based on Elsevier’s SSRN Business Research Authors ranking, USA.