SIBM Hyderabad

Professor Satya Prasad is the Head Academics and Program Delivery at SIBM, Hyderabad. He has an experience of more than 2 decades as an academician, administrator and researcher. He is also a research guide for postgraduate students and has published papers in the international and national journals.

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Ensuring a process of seamless learning”

The role of Head Academics envisages a pivotal role of preparing corporate ready, socially responsible and environmentally conscious global managers. The key tasks in this role are:

  • Designing programme structure in accordance with industry requirements and at par with global academic standards
  • Identifying the best subject expert from Industry/Academia who would design, develop, deliver content in the form of lessons/seminars/workshops.
  • Taking feedback from students/industry with a view to constantly improve the teaching/learning/research Process.

When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

“Maintaining the academic rigour and excellence”

When I Joined SIBM-H in April 2016, it was a 2-year-old institution, which was trying to make inroads into industry and academic circles. My vision was to see that SIBM-H grows from strength to strength and should become an institution of eminence and temple of excellence in management, ratified by industry, academia and society at large. It should be a dream destination for MBA students, who aspire to excel in professional and personal lives. Journey for excellence is a Kaizen process. Each passing year, we are enriching existing MBA programmes and also coming up with new initiatives like- Industry Mentorship, Sector Oriented Training for MBA students and exposing students to AI and ML world through online courses. 

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make it befitting for the students?

“Embedded the curriculum with experiential learning components”

We at SIBM-H believe that curriculum should be customized according to industry requirements. In this regard, industry experts are actively involved in conceiving, designing and delivering content. We are grateful to have a panel of industry experts from global, national and local companies, who provide valuable insights on trends and emerging trends in the industry, which are incorporated into the curriculum. Curriculum should also be tuned to rapidly changing business scenarios. Here, our professors, who are vastly experienced also chip in with their ideas for new or updated content for curriculum after rigorous research. Today’s students Are tomorrow's business leaders. Students' feedback on curriculum is also collected, analysed and incorporated into the curriculum. 

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How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

“Honing their skills with the help of different well-thought programs”

In this World of hypercompetition, we at SIBM-H believe that knowledge, skill and attitude are the key factors in facing and overcoming competition. We constantly enhance the knowledge of Students by delivering cutting edge curricula with active participation of industry experts, eminent professors, professional trainers both through online and offline delivery mode. Students also upgrade their knowledge by enrolling in online courses. research projects, research papers, and rigorous assignments in subjects. Summer internship programs also enrich the knowledge base of students and help them to compete. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented? 

“Cultivating research culture among the aspirants”

At the core of any excellent business school is industry orientation, which differentiates the best from the rest. To cite some examples of our practical approach:

  • Finance Students are taught subjects from live stock exchange data. Bloomberg Terminals are used for Teaching and Training our Finance Specialists.
  • Training is provided in the area of Sales Management to our marketing students. 
  • Shodh Yatras to the hinterlands of the country is a signature initiative to engage and 
  • explore on the field in subjects like rural Marketing, services marketing, etc
  • Our 8 weeks Summer Internship Programme provides a way to understand and apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to industry scenario.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

“Initially, it was the sudden transition of teaching-learning methods”

We at SIBM-H believe that there is nothing called a challenge. It is an opportunity disguised as a challenge. There was an initial challenge in the current pandemic as a part of transition from offline to online delivery model. However, we have quickly adopted and in the process learnt many online tools/techniques, which are helping in efficient delivery even in online mode without any compromise on quality of delivery of content. I must mention here that our experiments with flipped class and blended learning methods in the past two to three years came in handy in navigating through the transition during covid crisis.

Tell us something about your delivery model. How does it make different from other institutes?

“Setting ourselves apart from the crowd with our methods”

There are close to 5000 Business Schools in India. Each of these have a delivery model, which is quite similar to others. SIBM-H believes in going beyond the normal business schools. Faculty at SIMB-H are the real assets. Each of them come with years of experience and expertise in academics and industry from India and abroad. The pedagogy consists of using Harvard case studies, teaching with live data, simulations, role play, gamification, using blended learning techniques etc. Students are taught the importance of team work by making them participate in student group projects, intra and inter college curricular competitions. Online Courses are popular with our students and many of them have registered and successfully completed many courses and enhanced their knowledge.

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What would you like students to know about SIBM Hyderabad that they might not know already?

“Promoting health, embracing diversity, and adapting to changes”

Rigour in academics is well known but holistic life and learning experience of SIBM-H is less known or talked about. Our campus is vibrant with celebration of learning and application of knowledge all the time. The value of diversity that our campus provides is immense with not just gender or geographical but also rooted in cultural, cognitive and academic diversity. Another thing that is less known is that our university is a health promoting university where a great deal of effort is put to develop physical and mental wellbeing of our students, staff and faculty, which enables them to handle stressful situations in life and career with grace and balance.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Equip yourselves enough to be the desired candidate that the industry wants”

If you are sincere in words, thoughts and deeds,you will be bestowed with success. I suggest the aspiring students enrich themselves with the latest knowledge in the emerging fields like AI and ML. With regard to choosing the right specialization and right institute for their management programme, students should choose specialization based on passion for the subject. While selecting an institute, they should do a thorough research, look at what the institution offers in terms of enriching the knowledge base and providing a solid platform for foraying and scaling up the ladder in the corporate world.