Mr. Binod Dash is the Chairman of Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dhenkanal and Synergy Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar. Both the Engineering colleges are affiliated to BPUT, Odisha and are approved by NBA & NAAC, New Delhi. A multi-faceted personality, he is an industrialist and educationist and sports man & sports organiser of national repute. With experience of over 20 years in the education industry, he has worked in many different roles of academics & administration. His deep-rooted love for this field gives him the motivation to stay connected to his institutes, as an excellent role model.

Synergy Institute of Technology

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“An opportunity to work in different roles, be it academic or administrative”

I have 22 years of experience in this education industry. I have always been associated with this sector because it gave me so many opportunities to work at different levels and in different roles. Like earlier I was in academics and then I moved to an administrative role and then to entrepreneurship also. This dynamic field gives me ample opportunities to explore myself & it fascinates me beyond explanation.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Respecting individual opinions and ideas for the execution of any strategy”

I believe in democracy and respecting everyone’s individuality. So I try to understand everyone’s knowledge, experience, and information for the mutual growth of the organization. And that’s why I always say that “Let’s agree to our disagreement”. My motto is to bring about a synthesis between academia and industry. 

What can inbound students gain from studying here at your Institutions?

“Focus on having strong basics and fundamental knowledge”

We at Synergy Bhubaneswar & Dhenkanal, believe in providing more practical based knowledge to students so that they can easily cope up in the market and reap the best fruit. Apart from that, we have collaborated with several industry giants so that we can provide the best training & opportunities for our students, and adapt themselves with the latest developments in technology and industry needs.. These collaborations help us in placement as well and develops ability to cope under pressure , how to improve communication skills, analytical skills, Team work, problem solving and conflicted resolution, adopting New environment, enhancing net work, developing staff self confidence. 

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What do you think should be your Institutions’ top priority over the next 10 years?

“Making students ready to face the industry with knowledge and overall skills”

Currently, our one major focus is to make our students industry-ready. And this is one of the biggest challenges. Because in my experience I have realized that knowledge gained from books is very important to clear your basics but industry demands the application part of it. So we are making our students ready for the industry and by imbibing Entrepreneurial skills among the students and skills required to succeed as an Entrepreneurs. Since the future relies more on blended learning, I shall suggest BPUT to tweak its curriculum to develop the students’ soft skills, inter personal skills, team skills, leadership etc, as digitization, automation , commutation technology and computing are some of the main pillars driving the world. For all these we make continuous alumni feed backs in our institutions.

What do you see as your Institutes’ greatest strengths?

“Building the strong foundations for future leaders of tomorrow”

We here at Synergy not only trying to produce good engineers or successful technical personnel but we are committed to the holistic development of each student. So that they can become good human beings in the future along with a good career:- 

  1. Personal relationship with the students and staffs 
  2. High Integrity , Discipline
  3. Creativity, Innovation

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“There is no substitute to Hardwork , “Believing yourself & Acquiring knowledge” 

Whatever you choose to do in life, do it with 100% dedication. And always believe in yourself. So be confident, try to learn, work hard, and give your best to the things you do in life. Rest everything you can manage throughout your life. “All power is within you, you can do anything & everything” says, Swami Vivekananda. 

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment at your Institutes?

“Giving enough importance & attention to colleagues, faculty & students and their academic needs”

As I have already mentioned that if you take care of your students they will take care of you. I expect a combination of three things from any person working with me, i.e. intelligence, energy, and integrity. Out of these, for me & my institutes, Integrity is the most important factor. And I always try to practise and preach these rules.