Chancellor at Invertis University
“There is no alternative to the determination, is my motto of life.”
-Dr. Umesh Gautam
Starting his journey as a Chairman at Invertis of Management Studies, Dr. Umesh has headed forward to the position of Chancellor, Invertis University. In Muradnagar in District Ghaziabad in 1970, Dr. Umesh did his schooling from different parts of the country as his father was in police force in a transferrable position. After finishing his XII from Badaun, near Bareilly and Graduation from Moradabad, Dr. Umesh shifted his base to Ghaziabad to do M.B.A.
He says, “My entire family had been into services and I was the first person who changed the track and went on to do business when I wasn’t having a mentor to guide me”. In his initial years of settling down, Dr. Umesh started his career as a Trainee Manager in an export firm during his days of MBA. Treating every obstacle as a rung in the ladder of success, and moving up and onward to bigger and better things, Dr. Umesh had finer things to come his way.
Collegedunia.com takes pride in being a platform to share the thoughts and experiences of Dr. Umesh Gautam with a number of students. Also, we appreciate his knowledge and willingness to share the words of wisdom and experiences and insights provide encouragement to each one of us.
Read further to know more about him and his endeavors in Invertis University.
Share your experience in the education industry.
It is a wonderful experience which gives a sense of satisfaction. Education industry demands a high level of devotion and dedication as we work for a noble cause resulting in the welfare and good of the society.
Any significant challenge that you faced as the Chancellor of Invertis University?
The biggest challenge is to arrange finances because as a private organization, we are not aided by the government whereas we incur more expenses than the government organization to maintain high standards of education.
How does your curriculum ensure best practices of the industry?
We discuss the latest practices and technology change with the industry people. We organize a lot of Industry-institute partnership programs to identify the demands of the industry as well as to keep pace with them. Industry people are also on the board of studies in various departments which formulate the annual curriculum of various courses.
What goals do you have in your mind for Invertis University?
We have headed towards making Invertis University one of the best not only in India, but abroad as well. We are focusing on our placements. Already our students are working on the top-notch positions across the world. So, we are confident that very soon we will rank among the best.
You pride yourself on the level of education and responsibility you teach here to students. How do you ensure the quality of education in your institution?
We have a three-tier system to ensure the quality of education in Invertis University. Our departments are fully empowered, the heads and faculty members are given rights to decide the curriculum which proves to be best in the industry. They are governed by the respective Deans. External experts from industry and academia are the members on board to advise and improve. We are open to feedback from students and external agencies which may include parents, district authorities, alumni and researchers.
How do you build a positive school culture or climate?
We are strict when it comes to discipline because we consider discipline as a culture. Though we have a proctorial board headed by the Chief Proctor, all our heads and faculty members are the responsible members to look after. We have appointed students from each class as discipline coordinators who take care of even the minor incidents. We are a ragging free and eve-teasing free environment. We have a Women Grievance Cell to take care of issues related to female students and faculty members. We feel proud to say that we grow disciplined and cultured students.
How do you tend to establish a relationship with the students?
That’s easy and interesting. Youth today is energetic and if guided properly they do wonders. I personally talk to them by conducting motivational workshops for them. Students, at Invertis, are given ‘home away from home’ environment and ours is a student-friendly environment. Every faculty, Head, Registrar, Chief Proctor and Vice Chancellor work day and night to create this environment. I am 24 hours available to interact with our students so they get an immediate solution if they come to me with a problem or help. They can directly call me or send SMS or an email. The immediate response is given to them.
How do you look at the growth of students through placement opportunities available at Invertis University? How do you wish to push the envelope further?
We have established Corporate Resource Cell that works out throughout the years to arrange workshops and guest lectures for our students by the industry and academia. We ensure high package placements for our students and every year headed to achieve 100 percent target with the placement of our students in reputed multinational companies and research units. Our students are opting for civil services also and they have been selected as IAS, PCS and IB personnel.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
‘There is no alternative to the determination, is my motto of life.’ If committed I never look back. I can proudly say that my leadership style is dynamic and considerate. I keep ample space for my team to share their views to cater to the needs of our students in the fast pacing world.
Any suggestion you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
I would ask the current youth to ‘work hard’ as there is no substitute for hard work. Choose a career of your interest or take interest in a career which you have chosen. After a time, it hardly matters what you wanted to do. What matters is what you are doing. So, your interest and hard work in a particular field will lead you to success. Be truthful to yourself and respect your parents, teachers and all elders and make the society a better place to live for the next generations.