Interview by Pratyasha

Prof. Shyam Singh Chandel is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Shoolini University. His educational qualification includes B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D. Prof. Chandel has work experience of over 40 years in renewable energy technologies. He has also been associated with various institutions like Central and State Government, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of Department of Science Technology. Prof. S.S. Chandel has more than 80 publications in National and International Journals. He has been accoladed with Shri Sohanraj Dali Chand Shah Award.
Work Experience of Prof. Chandel
My area of expertise has always been renewable energy technologies. I have been associated with various projects on Solar Thermal, Solar Photovoltaics Power Generation, Wind Energy, Hybrid Power System, Bio-Energy. In the year 1994, I had developed the Solar House Action Plan for Himachal Pradesh. Additionally, I had formulated policy for making Solar Passive Building Heating Technology mandatory for all government or semi-government buildings in Himachal Pradesh in the same year.
Streams available for Engineering Students in the University
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science And Technology
- Electronics and Communications
- Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy
Lifetime opportunities for the students at the University
Employment is currently the need of the hour for everyone, therefore, it is essential to make it worthy. At Shoolini University, we are trying to do the same for our students. There is currently a huge gap between the skills achieved at the academic level and skills required by the industries. We have introduced areas of specific areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, ANN techniques, Optimization and Simulation techniques, Design software, like PVSYST, PVSOL, Solar GIS, etc. solar, wind, biofuel energy storage technologies, etc to provide exposure to the students. This will help them in receiving an additional advantage. There is a huge job potential for engineering students in multi-disciplinary areas and thus we have already started identifying such areas to focus on.
Plans for the Engineering Department at Shoolini University
The main motive of any educationist is to see the growth of their area. I want the same for the Engineering and Technology Department. The main focus should always remain on teaching, research and laboratory facilities. I have reviewed the existing programmes in the university and I feel that this is achievable. I am focusing mainly on the faculty, Ph.D. and M.Tech students and B.Tech students in the area of research, student projects, Industrial interaction, and upgrading laboratories as well as creating high-level testing, calibration labs which can act as testing centers.
How is Shoolini different from other institutions
Shoolini University is the best in terms of providing quality education and thrust on innovation and research practices. We are targeting to make it a top Global University. I am trying my best to help reach the target.
Message to the young generations
I would like to tell the students that they should pledge to remain incorrupt throughout their life. Although this is a difficult path, it is achievable and will give them strength and satisfaction when they will look back at their lives.