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Students Induction & Orientation Program of MBA students organised at GD Goenka University
Date: July 23, 2019

The much-awaited date of orientation and registration of MBA 1st year freshers arrived on Monday, July 22. Students marked their attendance and received personalized dockets with all necessary documents and ready reckoners.
Dr. Suku Bhaskaran, President of GD Goenka University, elaborated on the School of Management’s vision to equip MBA students with in-demand capabilities, making them ready for a rapidly transforming world. He impressed upon the audience the importance of life skills such as punctuality and peer-to-peer learning. He further informed them about the world-class faculty and curriculum of the MBA program, where the pedagogy included case studies, role play, simulations, group projects, presentations, guest lectures, and industry visits.
Dr. Kim Menezes, Dean - School of Management, welcomed all the students to the two years MBA and 1-year PGD programs. She pointed out that whether students were focused on particular careers or still undecided if they keep an open mind, the postgraduate program could help them discover themselves. She urged students to form support systems with each other to allow mutual learning. She explained the formative-summative assessment system, reiterated the importance of regular attendance, and encouraged student feedback, both formally and informally.
For the study abroad options, Dr. Nitesh Bansal, Dy Pro VC, External Engagements & International Alliances addressed the audience and shared the various options for students to gain valuable global exposure. He spoke about the 2-3 weeks of summer school in foreign universities, the semester abroad program with partnering universities and the articulation option where, after completing the foundational courses at SoM, students may complete their degree in a foreign university and earn their degree.
Mr. Narendra Sharma, Registrar, GD Goenka University helped students to navigate through the important guidelines and touched upon key rules and regulations of the university, including attendance, anti-ragging, and more. He informed the students about the IT access and other facilities at their disposal and familiarized them with the general code of conduct as per the student.
Mr. Dhirendra Parihar, Controller of Examinations explained the dual composition of the examination system; consisting of formative assessments during the course for internal marks and the summative exams at the end of each semester for external marks. He emphasized the strict code of conduct, grading system, and attendance policy to ensure the smooth transition of students to the next semester.