Sai Rigved Kaleru is a MBA (IB) Student at IIFT Delhi. He converted IIFT Delhi with a IIFT Entrance Test score of 92 percent. He graduated from Osmania University with 74% marks.

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Sai Rigved Kaleru: “OBC”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Sai Rigved Kaleru: “We had both WAT as well as a GD, which were conducted offline basis. Approximately in each GD group, there were 8-10 members. It was a typical IIFT GD which has its own unique format, the format goes like every single person will get a chance to speak on the topic given for one minute and the turns go on according to the cycle we were seated. After everyone had a JAM on the topic, the floor would be an open discussion, which was free for all to speak at any turn. Surprisingly this GD was not as chaotic as I expected, it went pretty smooth, There were small disturbances and turbulences in the encounter of two peers speaking but overall it went in a smooth process. I had got my fair share of turns to speaks, with proper 20-second interval entries almost 4-5 had put me on the good side of the judging panel’s eyes.

Coming to the Wat process we were with the same 8-10 people group where everyone was given a generic topic to write about. We were given almost half an hour to express our thoughts on the piece of paper and after the 30-min time lock, we had to submit the response.

Every single shortlisted student had to go through all the 3 processes, namely, WAT, GD and a PI. There was so elimination as such, just an accumulation of points on the performance of all the 3 rounds.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Sai Rigved Kaleru: "The topic given to us for both WAT and GD were generic topics, with basic knowledge of our surrounding society and a decent grip on the current affairs. The topic for WAT as far as I can recall was “ India becoming the Medical Tourism Capital of the world”.

Next. coming to the topic of GD, we were given a common and most generic topic “ Indian Big Fat Weddings””

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Sai Rigved Kaleru: “Coming to the points put forward in WAT, where, first I talked about how Indian Medical tourism has been on the rise for the last 2 decades. Then later I explained why such a trend of increase was seen due to factors like 1. Low-cost treatment, 2. Common Language being English for many nations to interact, 3. Being one of the highest quality medical hubs with skilled doctors and medical experts, for many developed nations. Then told about the other side of the medial curve about the points of Ayurveda and Homeopathy, telling how exactly Indian tops in the world under these domains. Then finally Concluded with the gist explaining all my points how they make up the big picture.

Coming to the GD topic, This was very generic, anyone could speak about anything, COming to me I had both my points Pros and cons for the topic, as this was not a debate we need not stick to only one side of the line and can express our views on other sides too. On the Cons side, I mentioned why such activity is a waste of money for many middle-class people and also for the poor. One day events need not have such high investments, which can be used for much better purposes like the development of their living standard, while on the pro side I threw light on the facts that due to these big weddings there is huge employment like flower merchants, photographers, Caterers, etc. So balancing both sides I showed my view on the fact of big fat weddings in India.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Sai Rigved Kaleru: “The last round was PI. This was also conducted offline with a panel of 3. These 3 people were the professors of the esteemed College IIFT itself. It was less like an interview and more like a casual conversation with formal friends, the only difference is that they were top professionals. Everyone fears interviews, it’s true, but the oner who hides his fears and locks them inside will shine more confident and will have a greater chance to crack it. 

This was the only thing in my mind, that I had to stay confident, and with a small smile, this will not only help us ease the process but also help us in staying put and making a joke on ourselves with some silly answers. And just like that, I was able to give a 30-minute long interview without even thinking about time.”

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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Sai Rigved Kaleru: “First, the questions were CV based and also little about the Current Issues

Q1- Tell me more about your Tennis Nationals.

Ans- I explained about my University representation in the nationals and about how I got into the quarter-finals and just missed out on semis.

Q2- What are your top Strength and Weaknesses?

Ans- gave a gist on my weaknesses and strengths (everyone has their own, be free to explain your own), also told them how I use my strengths to develop myself more and how I worked hard to overcome my weaknesses.

Q3- Tell me about your Extracurriculars?

Ans- I explained all my hobbies and how I show interest in everything I do. I even explained how i take these small hobbies seriously and how they set my everyday mood high.

Q4- Why MBA? WHy IIFT?

Ans - I told them how the management stream falls in line with my interests and how I have strived to work on management activities everywhere I participate. Then explained how I can find the qualities I am looking for in IIFT, how they can complete the equation of my management learning search. The opportunities it provides with some previous examples(obviously do some homework on the institute of what it provides and what you are looking for, for starters Collegedunia is a right place to look :p)

Q5- Where do u see yourself in 5 years?

Ans- Tell about your dreams and your targets, both short-term (2-3 years) and also long terms (7-10 years). Explain how management at IIFT(or XYZ college) will help you achieve these targets.”

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