Hyderabad, August 9, 2019: The 8th Convocation ceremony of the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (Deemed-to-be University) Hyderabad, was held on August 2, 2018 at Shilpakala Vedika, Madhapur, Hyderabad. Total 1,605 students were awarded degrees during the convocation.
Dr. C. Rangarajan, Chancellor, IFHE, in his presiding address said “the importance of higher education in building up a nation is well recognized. In today’s world, competition in any field is competition in knowledge. The agricultural, industrial and scientific growth of this country depends upon creating a corps of well-trained professionals in these areas and this can happen only with good quality higher education. We need not belittle what we have achieved. However, there is an inescapable need to strengthen higher education in terms of quality and effectiveness.”
Further, Dr. Rangarajan said “The three dimensions of the reform of higher education are access, equity, and quality. Broadening the access is extremely important when we see the gross enrollment ratio well below that of the developed countries. Equity is vital in order to ensure that underprivileged communities share the benefits of education. Equally important is the promotion of quality.”
Delivering the convocation address, Mr. Vellayan Subbiah, Managing Director, Tube Investments of India Limited, highlighted the importance of self-reflection and introspection towards managing the prime yardsticks of life in encompassing work, family, friends, society, and self. He classified successful people into givers and takers and opined that successful givers create greater value for society and cited a quote from Arthashastra “If everyone you transact with shall win, so shall you”. He shared views on managing oneself, improving oneself continuously and he cited the importance of yoga and meditation towards managing oneself.
Prof J. Mahender Reddy, Vice Chancellor presented a report on the progress made by the university during the year 2017-18. He informed that during the year, the University hosted six international conferences and two national conferences. In all, 420 papers were presented at these conferences of which 114 were presented by IFHE faculty members and doctoral students. They also presented 226 papers at conferences in India and 6 papers at international conferences held in the US, France, and Thailand. He also highlighted the achievements of various departments and students in the University.
Graduating Students:
During the convocation, 1605 students received their degrees. These included: PhD-13, MBA-1135, BBA-241, BTech-159, BBA-LLB -31, MMS-15 and LLM-6, Exec.MBA-5.
Gold and Silver Medals - MBA Stream:
Seven Gold Medals and five Silver Medals were awarded to students for academic excellence and all-around excellence in all the streams.
Ms. Ashnaa Bhalla received the gold medal and a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- for academic excellence in the MBA program and Mr. Prayag Sheth won ‘Saurabh Sharma Memorial Gold Medal’ and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- for being the Topper in the Marketing stream of the MBA program. Ms. Akita Jain received the silver medal and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- for academic excellence and Mr. Dilip Alla won ‘Faiyaz Ahmed Khan Memorial Gold Medal’ and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- as Topper in the Finance stream of the MBA program.
Gold and Silver Medals – BBA, BBA-LLB (Hons.) and B.Tech Streams:
Ms. Kadiyala Sreeja and Ms. K Priya Chandan received the gold medal and silver medal respectively for academic excellence in the BBA program while Mr. Chittavarajula Lalitha, Rajesh Sharma, and Mr. Devendra Patel received the gold medal and silver medal respectively for academic excellence in the B.Tech. program. In the BBA-LLB (Hons) program, the gold and silver medals for academic excellence were awarded to Ms. Dalia Pasaari and Ms. Roshini Peeti respectively.
N J Yasaswy-Apollo Hospital Best Student Award:
Mr. Nawal Arora of MBA Class of 2018 received Gold Medal and Rs. 50,000/- cash prize for ‘N J Yasaswy - Apollo Hospital Best Student Award’ for all-round excellence. In the same category, Mr. Aakarsh Kunwer of B.Tech class of 2018 was awarded Silver medal and a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- for all-round excellence.
Best Teacher Award:
Dr. D Saravanan, Department of Operations & IT of IBS won 'NJ Yasaswy - Apollo Hospital Best Teacher Award’ and a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- for Overall Excellence.