Mrs Parminder is the Principal at Mai Bhago College, Mansa. She has completed her M.A (Hindi), B.Ed, M.Ed, M.Phil (Hindi), UGC(NET) Hindi, UGC(NET) Education, and Ph.D in Hindi. She has a vast experience of 11 years in teaching, research and administration while working at various renowned academic institutions of repute. Her aim is to help students understand the current needs of the job industry and study accordingly.

Mai Bhago College

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The ability to guide students for their future and decision making”

I have been in this education sector for the last 11 years. For me, continuous learning is essential. That way you can deliver a good education to the students and involve them in the teaching-learning process. Helping them make better life decisions keeps me connected with the education sector. Being honest with myself and with my work is essential for me.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college?

“Opportunity to study with excellent facilities, under guidance of experts”

We make serious efforts to provide practical knowledge to the students. We do this by conducting various activities for the students. These include seminars, expert webinar discussions and hands-on workshops. These develop the skills in students and broaden their experience.

What do you think your responsibilities to the college and the students are?

“Mentoring and by providing students with insight into studies and career”

As faculty, it is our responsibility to shape the future of our students. Also, provide them help in every aspect of their college life, be it academic or personal. We want to prepare them for their future by guiding them at every step. 

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What would you like people to know about your College they may not know?

“Well equipped study labs, transport facilities and experienced faculty”

We have designed our courses in such a way that students will get all the essential learning to build a fruitful career. Additionally, we have well-equipped labs for medical and non-medical students. We also provide transport facilities to the students who are coming from remote areas. Our faculty is well educated and always keen to help the students.

What are some of the biggest challenges in the education sector?

“Imparting language fluency and maintaining academic standards”

Providing quality education is a challenge in itself. We always try new things to improve the knowledge of students, also guiding them at every step. Allowing them to make better decisions in their careers. Improving the English of our students and enhancing their sift skills is also a challenge for us.

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How to try to build innovative and creative skills in your students?

“Motivating students to participate in extracurricular activities to grow comprehensively”

We motivate the students to take part in various activities organized in the college annually. We try to arouse students' interest and curiosity in order to create bonds between them. Moreover, we provide them with the right opportunities to learn, at the right time.