Joy Chatterjee is a fresher and converted Symbiosis Institute of Digital and Telecom Management with an MBA in Digital & Telecom Management with SNAP score of 89.17%. He has shared his GD & WAT experience with

Joy Chatterjee Profile
Current Institute: Symbiosis Institute of Digital and Telecom Management
Course: MBA in Digital & Telecom Management
Graduation College: Sri Aurobindo College, University of Delhi
Exam Taken: SNAP
SNAP Score: 89.17%
10th Percentage/ GPA: 86.4%
12th Percentage/ GPA: 78.04%
Graduation Percentage/ GPA: 59.69%
Work Experience: NA
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Admission Experience
Did you avail of any benefit of reservation?
Joy: General (No Reservation).
Describe the general setting of WAT/ GD (if any)?
Joy: Due to the pandemic situation the WAT and GD were conducted in online mode on the ZOOM platform. Symbiosis has an online writing portal for WAT Sessions where 6 topics are there and one had to write a short essay on any ONE topic. The topics range from history, geography, literature, management, and science. The duration for writing the essay was 30 minutes. One should spend approximately 30 seconds deciding the topic and take 2 to 3 minutes collecting thoughts as to what to write about that topic.
Tip: In order to excel in WAT, one has to be a voracious reader and has to practice writing each day in order to be familiar with the topics on the test day. If one is slow in typing on the computer, one needs to practice that so that during the test day one does not waste time in writing the answers on the portal.
The next round was the GD where there are 2-panel members moderating the GD, where both of the members are professors of Symbiosis University. One is allotted a breakout room on ZOOM, where there are approximately 7-8 candidates. The panel members allot a topic to all the participants and each one is given approximately 5 minutes to make points and collect their thoughts on the given topic. The topics can be current affairs, science, and technology, polity, and economics. After 5 minutes preparation time is over each candidate is then asked to give viewpoints on the topic, either they agree or disagree, or come up with a solution of the topic or problem posed. The candidate is given 3 minutes to speak. After everyone spoke there was a short debate on the topic which did turn aggressive for a few seconds but cooled down after the panel members intervened.
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Tip: In order to excel in the GD round, one needs to be updated on the latest happenings in India and around the world. Practice speaking on a topic by timing yourself.
Describe the general setting of your interview?
Joy: Mode of Interview was online on a ZOOM platform, there were 3-panel members, all were faculty members of SIDTM. The interview lasted for 20 minutes. It was not at all a stressful interview, instead, it felt like there was a conversation going on.
Tip: Aspirants need to be aware of why they want to do an MBA, their knowledge of the graduation subject, and explain about any projects or internships done. Aspirants need to be calm throughout the interview process and be honest about their answers.
Check: SIDTM Admission
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Joy: As I come from a technical background having a Masters’s degree in Electronics, I felt that Telecommunications is the next hot topic in the industries that will be researched and explored upon. In order to enhance my technical and managerial skills, I chose this college to study MBA
SIDTM offers a variety of technical certifications such as Azure, AWS, and IBM in order for any student irrespective of whatever academic background one comes from, one can augment or learn technical skills, tools, and technologies in order to meet the current industry requirements.
There are internship programs in top IT companies that focus on both managerial and technical skills.
What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges? (if any)
Joy: I had got a call from all the Symbiosis affiliated colleges, however, I chose SIDTM as my preferred choice for the varieties of technical programs.
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