Innovations and Emerging fields in Management Education with SPJIMR
S P Jain Institute of Management and Research is well-known for its management Programmes. It is one of the top-ranked business schools in India. Management programs of the institute are provided in various specializations. The institute focuses on the advancing innovation, digital and entrepreneurship mindset
Located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, S P Jain Institute of Management and Research is a private institute. It was established in 1981. The institute has been recognized by AACSB, AMBA, All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, and the National Board of Accreditation.
Management Education with SPJIMR
Management Education at SPJIMR focuses on the following reasons:
- FOCUS ON DIGITAL TRENDS: The focus on digital trends is an integral part of the curriculum and implemented in various courses. There are courses in the curriculum which involve simulation of end-to-end business processes. Students are taught how to take real time business decisions in these simulations and can comprehend the ramifications of their decisions. There is extensive discussion and analysis delivering a rich learning experience. Also, interactions with alumni spread throughout the country, and various participants interactions are conducted through online channels. Organizing cultural events involve data analysis by students to understand trends and expectations. Inferences from the analyses are used in designing more wholesome activities.
- FOCUS ON ADVANCING INNOVATION: To be cognizant leaders, SPJIMR focusses on disruption and wise innovation as a reflexive thinking mechanism. Through courses such as Design and Innovation, iterative and scientific thinking, lean startup management, and other fundamentals of disruptive thinking is taught. Project work of SPJIMR requires business solutions from ideation to implementation involving disruption and innovation. The DoCC course enables students to work in an unstructured environment and solve problems by designing novel ideas. The implementation of the design must be validated at each stage and improvements must be made to ensure sustainability in the long run. The digital era has introduced multitude of technological improvements whose extent of use is yet to be discovered. Specialized courses such as Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital Supply Chain Management, Marketing Analytics, Disruptive Digital Technologies, Business Analytics provide great insights for aspirational business leaders.
Technical clubs help promote the interest of students in their chosen fields of interest and apply innovation in those particular fields. The Analytics and Product Management Clubs of SPJIMR work diligently on the latest trends and bring their own ideas and disrupt the field by working in a decentralized manner. Learning administrative potential and management skills through committees help learn how to decentralize activities and how to influence people without exerting power. Creation of innovative systems of functioning is a fundamental and crucial learning of students while working in these committees.
- Entrepreneurship mindset:
Entrepreneurial Mindset is developed through embedded modules in various courses in curriculum. SPJIMR nurtures entrepreneurship. There is a system of support provided to inspiring entrepreneurs. Having a wonderful incubation system and providing a hiatus to pursue their business/start up dreams are great benefits provided by SPJIMR.