RV Institute of Management

Dr. Purushottam Bung is the current Director of R.V. Institute of Management, Bangalore. He has an experience of 25 plus years in academics as well as industry. He started his career as an electronic engineer and moved to entrepreneurship later in his life. He has a rich experience as an entrepreneur and later decided to join the academics out of sheer passion and interest. 

There's a saying "Aim big and Achieve big". Dr Purushottam believes in the saying. He aims to create his own identity in the field of management education. He also wants to get recognition as an academic leader who is a researcher, consultant and teacher.

Dr Bung has published 20 plus articles in renowned journals and one book as well. He has many awards in his name. Global Management Council awarded him with ‘Rashtriya Adarsh Vidya Saraswati Puraskar’ award. He was also awarded ‘Best Director of B-School in Karnataka’; ‘Visionary Academic leader of the year – 2019’ and ‘Distinguished Educator’ as well. 

In conversation with Megha, Dr Bung revealed the smallest of details of his college and shared with us his vision for his college. Edited Excerpts:

Learning is the process where knowledge is created by experience

Dr Purushottam Bung had worked in Karnataka Law Society’s Institute of Management Education and Research for 7 years in the capacity of Professor and the Director. He was involved in all the different processes which are required to run an educational institute.

He got an exposure of activities including admissions, recruitment, research, placements, academic rigor, alumni relations, etc., which helped him to go into the depths of processes involved to run an education industry.

Faculties are the ultimate pillars of education

According to Dr. Bung, a leader is none other than first among equals. He believes in participative leadership where one has the democracy to speak their mind. Being in the education industry he believes faculties should have the freedom to express their vision, views and perspectives because they are the ultimate pillars of an educational institution. Giving autonomy and freedom to them is very much necessary for the institution.

Read about RV Institute of Management Faculty

Hybrid-Model works better for an educational institute

He believes that a hybrid model works better for an educational institution than pure collegial model. In traditional approach, colleges earlier used to follow collegial way. It is a way in which teachers were solely responsible for administration as well as educational work. But, Dr. Bung believes that for administration work managers should be hired whereas teacher should be hired for curriculum design, teaching, research and consultancy. His emphasis is on having managers for administration work and teachers for academic related work.

Students are put in rigorous training and transforming process

Dr Bung said the important aspect one should consider being in the institution is the way one wants to transform their students. At RV Institute of Management, students are put into rigorous training and transformational process from day one. Lot of value added courses are introduced, which are demanded by the industry like; business analytics, cloud computing, IOT, digital marketing, block chain, AI and many more. And the students are also given training every Saturday where the transformation of the students are initiated in the areas of basic skills, soft skills, IT skills, pre-placement training, aptitude skills, and many more.

Click here RVIM Courses & Fee

RVIM is working on becoming autonomous institution of excellence

Speaking about how R V Institute of Management could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds, Dr Bung discussed as to how they are planning to work on this agenda to attract students from different states of India. He forecasted his vision on making RVIM well known not only within the geographies of India but also internationally for which they are working on becoming fully autonomous so that they can attract international students and follow their own curriculum and calendar. RVIM has been participating in educational fairs to convey their brand value not only in India but also abroad.

RVIM has been accredited by NAAC with A+ grade 

Being the Director of RVIM, Dr. Purushottam Bung is responsible for different roles and responsibilities including admissions, placements, strengthening alumni relations, research, consultancy, accreditations, total grooming of the students, etc. He also spoke about the recent accreditation of RVIM by NAAC with A+ grade and how they are planning to get accredited internationally and the hard work and efforts which are being put into it.

Change is the key to success

He spoke about his vision regarding RVIM in the next 10 years. Dr. Bung discussed about making RVIM an autonomous institution par excellence and gaining series of international accreditation. In the next 10 years adding new programmes, increasing the intake, building international collaborations, attracting international students, introducing innovative courses, etc. will be the priorities for RVIM. RVIM should be known not just for teaching but also for the research, consultancy and extension.

Also Check RV Institute of Management Placement

RVIM focusing on Entrepreneurship and Business Analytics 

He discussed about the niche areas of RVIM which he would like to focus on, i.e. entrepreneurship and business analytics and also building the expertise in these areas along with the allied areas. He wants RVIM to be recognized in these two areas in the coming days.