Medha Sur has appeared for the NMAT exam and scored 194. She is currently pursuing PGPM from IBS Mumbai. She has scored 83% in her graduation. She graduated from SVIT with 83% marks. 

Medha Sur Profile

  • Current institute: IBS Mumbai
  • Graduation College: SVIT
  • NMAT score: 194
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 80
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 76
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 83
  • Work Experience: Na

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Medha Sur: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Medha Sur: “Gd was offline. We have to go to ibs Hyderabad for the gd process. There were 10 members in each group. Everyone got a chance to speak. It was not a debate kind of thing. The GD process was of 15 to 20 minutes and at the end, everyone has to give the confusion. There was only GD and PI. I prepared myself from the online websites available in Google. There are many topics for GD from that I have prepared and one of the topic was given in the GD process.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Medha Sur: "The Future of Artificial intelligence”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Medha Sur: “Artificial intelligence has changed this world so much and in the near future also more changes will be coming. We all use artificial intelligence somehow like Google Assistant, Alexa accept. Nowadays websites and apps are provided which person nice experience using artificial intelligence for example if YouTube provides personalized suggestions based on what we match so in future that more personalized services will be coming including Healthcare.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Medha Sur: “In the panel, there is a total of 3 faculties. They were from different IBS campus and they are industry expert. The mode of the interview was offline. The duration of the interview was of 15 to 20 minutes. It was a soft interview. Always try to keep your point after the person stops speaking if you interrupt in the middle then it will create a negative impact.”

Check IBS Mumbai Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Medha Sur: “1)Introduce yourself

2) Questions related to my educational background

3) Questions related to my hobby

4) Some current affairs question what is your strength and weakness

5) Why did you choose MBA after engineering as I was an engineering student”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Medha Sur: “1) I chose this college because it has a good return on investment.

2) My senior suggested this college because it has very good faculties.

3) The placements are also very good as many top companies come here.”

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What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?

Medha Sur: “The fees of the other college were very high as compared to that of IBS Mumbai and also during this year because of covid our classes would be online so I prefer this college.”

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