Dr. Svetlana Tatuskar is the Professor at IES MCRC, Mumbai. She is a versatile personality who believes in the ideology of adapting to advancements but sticking to basic principles. She firmly believes that mentorship should nurture the students to help them grow and develop them into better individuals. Read here what she has to say in her interview.
Why do you like to be in an education sector rather than else?
“Working with the future leaders gives me immense satisfaction”
Teaching is my passion. It gives me immense satisfaction that through this profession, I can mentor, facilitate, guide and teach students who are going to be the future leaders of the nation. In fact, as teachers, we do much more than teaching, as our influence spreads far beyond the classroom.
What is the key behind this successful career in this department?
“I was fortunate to receive excellent mentorship”
I have always had the benefit of being surrounded with outstanding mentors who were always there to support, advise and guide me. They believed in my potential and always gave me several opportunities to innovate and explore new methods of teaching and mentoring so that I could bring out the best in my students. I have faith in my students' potentials and firmly believe that my success lies in the success of my students.
Being in such a good position of leadership, can you please tell me something about your leadership skills?
“ I lead by doing”Students look at us as their role model and leaders. As a teacher, I inspire my students and ensure that I bring the best out of them. I take responsibility for their success as well as failure. I motivate them that failure is not the end but the first stepping stone to their future successful career.
What are your thoughts about the education system?
“The Education system should emphasize on inculcating competitive spirit in the students”
Presently, the Education Policy has been witnessing changes in the best interest of the students; wherein there is a shifting emphasis from rote learning to practical application. Policymakers are giving importance on the freedom to think creatively and also encouraging teachers to act as facilitators to bring out the critical and logical thinking abilities amongst students. Technology and Digital teaching is paving the way for the future of education in India.
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What is the best part of your institute which is different from others?
“We ensure a perfect blend of classroom and practical learning in our curriculum”
The Institute's commitment to "Value Addition through Education" is manifested through a whole spectrum of programs and Industry-oriented activities. The top-level management gives complete autonomy to the faculty members to take up initiatives in the best interest of the students. It encourages faculty members to design innovative methods of teaching.
At IES we use a blend of both in the classroom as well as out of classroom methods to impart management lessons by leveraging primarily on technology through the intensive use of Simulations, Moocs, PowerPoint Presentations facilitated with short videos. Following the philosophy of development through self-learning, experiential learning and immersions, students select self-learning courses (SLC). A particular module called ‘Leadership and Teamwork’ has been designed to make our student completely corporate ready. Our students and students have always appreciated a combination of these diverse methods of imparting knowledge have achieved success in their careers within a short time.
What are your thoughts about the youth of this country?
“India has the best innovators, creators and future leaders of tomorrow”
With almost 50% of the Indian population being below the age of 25 years, India is ranked as the youngest country with the advantage of a high demographic dividend. Today’s youth are innovators, creators, nation builders and leaders of tomorrow. They have the power to change the country. If an adequate opportunity is given to them to present their ideas, they will be able to create an identity and move the nation further towards growth and development.
What are the main challenges do you think for your institute?
“Pandemic posed numerous challenges for the education institutes across the country”
Covid 19 pandemic has shocked the world and has changed the traditional way of doing many things, and teaching is no exception. With classrooms going virtual, developing a robust online platform to impart education with the same personal touch was an immediate challenge for the institute. Another vital challenge with online teaching was students become more passive rather than active learners. With an ever supporting management and effective use of technology, we have been able to not only have full batches across all our programs. We have also been able to maintain the same quality and personal touch in our teaching and classroom facilitation. Students have appreciated the efforts of the institute.
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What's your definition of hard work?
“I believe in the phrases, do your best and god will do the rest”
For me, hard work means ‘You do your best, and God will do the rest’. Never to compromise on the quality of your work and never to search for shortcuts to complete the given task. I always believe in meeting the given task on time without compromising on the quality.