Divyanshu Singh is a student at BIMTECH. He graduated from Rajasthan University with 81.11% aggregate. Divyanshu got admission into BIMTECH with an impressive CMAT score of 96.8%. He shared his admission details in this article. 

Divyanshu Singh Profile

  • Current institute: BIMTECH
  • Graduation College: Rajasthan University
  • CMAT score: 96.8
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 8.2
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 78.5
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 81.11
  • Work Experience: NA

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Divyanshu Singh: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Divyanshu Singh: “I gave WAT and PI for BIMTECH, it was offline, I got 12 mins to write about the topic, 1 min to think about the same, one blank sheet was given by the college. Mostly WAT is related to recent topics on which you can share your opinions.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Divyanshu Singh: "It was about Space and Investment India should make on space.”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Divyanshu Singh: “Firstly I gave a brief introduction with some facts, have an introduction about ISRO and its chairperson and successful missions completed by ISRO.

Then I wrote about, my topic with benefits of investing in this sector and way ahead like we can settle in space, vison of Alon musk, etc. And quoted examples of successful big countries.

You can either write in favor of the topic or against your choice. Or you can be neutral.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Divyanshu Singh: “My interview was held offline and there were 2-panel member, one of them was our senior marketing faculty. Interview was of around 20 mins in which they started from "tell me about yourself" then they asked questions related to by grads subject, and some GK questions as well.

My interview was a bit stressful as it was my first interview and panel members roasted me a bit but in the end, it was fine. So they judge you on 3 aspects, your knowledge (especially graduation subjects) or if you have work ex they will ask on that. 2nd your personality which includes, way of talking and appearance. 3 rd how you react when you are put under stress.”

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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Divyanshu Singh: “1. Tell me about yourself.

2. My subject combination in graduation.

3. I had statistics so questions related to statistics.”

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