Dr. Satyajeet S Deshpande is the Principal of J G College of Commerce, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He has completed his BA, MA, Ph.D. and an Executive Program in Business Management as well. He has a vast experience of 21 years in academics, research and administration. He has published more than 20 research papers in reputed journals and is an expert in this domain. 

J G College of Commerce

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"The ability of the teacher to influence students positively”

Nelson Mandela once said that education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world. Education is the source of economic growth, prosperity, social transformation and the general well-being of the people. The importance of education holds a special place in my heart. The positive influence that the teacher can have on the students and the society is the key factor that keeps me connected with the education sector.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

The role of a leader is to create an atmosphere of trust among all the team members”

A leader is the one, who to an extent, establishes the culture of the institute. My top priority as a leader has been to create a culture of mutual respect among the members. As a leader, I ensure that no member is afraid of failure as far as he/she has given his/her best. The leadership style is highly democratic where policies are formulated by taking everyone’s inputs so that everyone has a feeling of participation and ownership. The leader also needs to unequivocally express the ultimate vision of the institute and ensure that everyone has understood it clearly. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

“Providing industry-appropriate syllabus by consulting industry experts”

At present, we are affiliated with Gujarat University and need to follow the curriculum prescribed by it. I believe that teaching and learning should lead to concrete outcomes. Hence, the syllabus should undergo a radical change in tandem with the market requirements. Given the autonomy, we would consult industry experts to guide us in framing an industry-appropriate syllabus. When the syllabus is based on industry requirements, it is obvious that our students would possess the right skill-sets, enhancing their employability.

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What do you think your responsibilities to the college and the students are?

“Imparting the highest quality education is the primary role of any academic institute”

As a principal, my primary focus is to steer the institution in the right direction keeping in mind our vision and mission. So, the key responsibility is to ensure an environment where the learning process remains smooth and effective. I need to ensure that the institute has the right culture, policies, infrastructure and human resources required to achieve excellence. 

What do you see as your college’s greatest strengths?

“Comprehensive growth enabled by a student-centric approach”

A highly student-centric approach to decision making is the biggest strength of the college. There are two main strengths as such. First, the college management is extremely cooperative and understands the demands of the education sector very well. It actively takes interest in the affairs of its institutes, yet gives each of them the required autonomy. It ensures all the necessary resources to pursue the ultimate vision of the institute. Also, the teachers are not only qualified but also very cooperative and caring to the students. In addition to teaching well, they also provide holistic mentoring. 

What are some of the biggest challenges for the higher education sector?

“The students have a great challenge in keeping their focus on academics under these conditions”

The world is changing very fast, so should the academic curriculum. There are very few institutions of higher education that have kept up with these latest developments. Especially in third-world countries, many schools are still teaching outdated theories. Secondly, due to the pressing economic condition following the global economic slowdown, more students are taking up education only as a part-time activity along with pursuing a job. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Pick a stream that you are passionate about and choose the subjects carefully” 

Gone are the days when you were judged on the basis of your marks and grades. Unless you have a thorough knowledge of what you have learnt, you will not be able to make an impact. Select the stream which excites you the most and choose the subjects which you like. Study passionately to experience the pure joy of learning. Everything else follows if you chase your dreams and strive for excellence. 

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for your college?

“Achieving a higher ranking in prominent ranking frameworks”

At present, we are working towards improving our ratings in some of the reputed and leading ‘ranking frameworks’ like NAAC and NIRF. These are extremely comprehensive frameworks which cover every aspect of higher education. Some of the parameters in these frameworks are academic outcomes, co-curricular activities, infrastructure, research performance of the faculty, students’ placements, and the effectiveness of the alumni. In the process of implementing these best practices, the college will certainly be able to serve the students in a much better manner and attract more international students.

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How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your university?

“A democratic approach to decision-making is crucial”

A transparent, participatory and democratic approach to decision making is the most important factor in ensuring a cordial environment and healthy relationship. A conscious effort to establish a culture where the discussions at the institute are kept highly professional, revolving around issues, and not people, sets the required boundaries. Emphasis on mutual respect and polite communication also goes a long way in avoiding frictions. Get-togethers, sports meets and outings with the staff are some of the other great ways to strengthen the bonds.