RH Sapat College of Engineering, Management Studies And Research, Nashik, Maharashtra was established in the year of 2009. It is affiliated with the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune. It has been accredited by NAAC with a grade of “B++”. It is also accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
Read on to know the latest happenings and developments at RH Sapat College!
RH Sapat students won All India Electric Two-Wheeler Design Competition

Date: November 10, 2022
The Society of Automotive Engineering India-Southen Section (SAEISS) Electric Two Wheeler Design Competition 2021-22, tasks the students to think, analyze, design, develop, build, test, and present in series of events. The objective of ETWDC 2022 is to design, engineer, prototype and demonstrate an Electric Two Wheeler to carry one person, with a price tag of Rs 60,000 based on an annual sale of 25,000 units per year.
Team ORKA from Mechanical, Electrical, E&TC Engineering Department of GES’S R H Sapat College of engineering and management studies and research Won 1st Prize worth INR 10,000 in the innovation category and also Won overall 1st prize worth INR 75,000 in All India Electric Two-Wheeler Design Competition - 2022, Organized by SAE India-Southern Section in Chennai during 17&18 October' 2022.
Team ORKA Captain: Mr. Chinamy Bhanage, Vice Captain: Mr. Yash DeshamukhFaculty Advisor: Mr. S.H. Sonawane, Mr R.A. Tarle.