Bharathiar University First Semester Students to Follow 2021-22 Session Syllabus

New Delhi: Bharathiar University has announced that newly admitted first-year students of the university and its affiliated colleges can follow the syllabus of the academic session 2021-22. The statement was made after the university received criticisms against the syllabus updates. 

As per Bharathiar University, students who have joined various undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the affiliated colleges and institutes of the university will not have to follow the existing syllabus for the year 2021-22 for the academic session of 2022-23. 

Registrar (in-charge) K. Murugavel said, “I am, by direction, to inform you that the existing syllabus of the year 2021-2022 is to be followed for students admitted in the academic year 2022-2023 (I Semester only) for all UG/PG degree programs in the affiliated colleges/affiliated management institutions".

The decision to follow last year's syllabus for Bharathiar University courses was made after the university received criticism against its decision to update the current syllabus of its BCom (Computer Application) and BAA courses in less than 20 days before the new semester.

Informing about the syllabus for Bharathiar University Admission 2022-23, Association of University Teachers (AUT) president P. Thirunavukkarasu said, “The syllabus for many subjects is still to be revised. For example, in the first-semester Physics core paper ‘Properties of matter’, a unit on ‘Industry 4.0’ has been added”.

“Additionally, in the second-semester paper on the same subject, the ‘Internet of Things (IoT) unit has been added along with ‘Thermal physics’. Both the units are in no way connected to the Physics paper”, he added.

He further stated the university must attend another meeting with subject experts, the Board of Studies and the Standing Committee on Academic Affairs to create a new syllabus which can be implemented in the next academic season.

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