Bangalore University Recorded Higher Pass Percentage in and BBA; Details Here

November 08, 2020: Admit Covid-19 Pandemic, Bangalore University has recorded a considerable improvement in pass percentage students in arts and commerce stream Programs. 

Bangalore University conducted the final semester/year examination for candidates in September and October 2020. The exam was conducted for over 700 affiliated faculties in 5 districts of Bangalore state. 

Referring to the increase of pass percentage for 2020, Vice-Chancellor of the university, KR Venugopal said, “This proves online classes have been effective and can be considered as a medium to teach in the coming days too. Students had more time to study as they stayed at home and could focus better”.

He further added in his statement, “There were concerns about the rural-urban divide, connectivity, and low bandwidth. Yet, we overcame all the challenges and students performed well. In BCom, this could be one of the best results the university has had in recent years,”. 

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Bangalore University: Pass Percentage Increase for B.Com, BBA, B.Sc Courses

As per the exam results, Bangalore University has recorded a go share of 82.4%, on a leap of 10% from final year's 72.5% data. On the other hand, Out of total college students, a total of 40,950 candidates appeared for the exam. The data for the same was recorded to be 37,000 for 2019.

For the Bangalore University Bachelor of Enterprise Administration (BBA) program, a 6% increase has been recorded from 2019, making it a total of 80% increase of students who passed the examination. While the BA program has recorded a 4 % rise, making it a 88% pass percentage for the year 2020. 

Check: Bangalore University Admission 2020

BSc program has recorded 64% of pass percentage while for the Bachelor of Vocational Training (B Voc) program, out of total appeared candidates, only two students failed to qualify the exam, while others passed the examination with maximum passing percentages. 

As per the comment made by faculty members of Bangalore university, the exam paper was easy in comparison. They further added, “We noticed very high marks among students. Even average students bagged centum and distinctions.”

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Bangalore University: Reason For Pass Percentage Increase in and BBC Program

Bangalore University faculty member stated that the reason behind the higher pass percentage recorded this year could be the transparent and considerable result evaluation of the examination. 

Faculty member added, “The question papers were easier when compared to previous years. Either way, it turned out to be beneficial for students as they may get better opportunities for higher education and job prospects”. 

Other faculty members added that the exam qualification is only credited to candidates’ efforts and preparation. This year, students were serious and prepared for the examination. As final year exam was evaluated by digital means, there was fair transparency in result declaration. 

Read: Bangalore University Time Table 2020: Sem-Wise, BA, BSc, BCom

The reason behind less pass percentage for science stream candidates could be the hard part of the subject. The faculty member agreed that science is one of the tough subjects, and that can be the cause of the dip in pass candidates. 

Bangalore University vice-chancellor stated that final year candidates are serious about their examination in comparison to first and second-year candidates. That might be the reason for the sudden increase in pass candidates for BU final year examination 2020. 

Read: Bangalore University Result 2020: Semester Result, Revaluation, Timetable, Distance Result
