ATMA 2020 Result for August Session Announced: Check at

Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) has declared the August session result of ATMA AIMS 2020 in online mode on August 10, 2020. Previously, the ATMA Result was to be announced on August 12, 2020 but the result has been declared ahead of the schedule. 

The ATMA scorecard will consist of details such as candidate’s name, overall score, section-wise score, and ATMA  Percentile.

Candidates can check their ATMA Result 2020 from the official website using PID number and password or from the direct link given below. 

In August session, more  than 2800 students appeared for ATMA 2020 entrance exam out of which 25 candidates have scored  99 percentile and above. Read on to know the toppers list.

Direct Link to check ATMA Result 2020 August Session

ATMA Results 2020 : Important Dates

Events Dates
ATMA 2020 Exam Date August 7, 2020
ATMA Result 2020 August 10, 2020
ATMA Selection Process 2020 To be announced soon

ATMA 2020 Result Window

Steps to Check ATMA Result 2020

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Click on “Candidate Login” on the homepage.

Step 3: Select the exam date i.e. ‘August 7, 2020’

Step 4: Login by using credentials such as PID and password.

Step 5: Press the “Login” button”.

Step 6: ATMA Result 2020 will be displayed on the screen

Step 7: Download and take a print out of the scorecard for future reference. 

Details mentioned on the ATMA scorecard

Candidates can check the following details mentioned on the ATMA Result 2020:

  • Name of the candidate

  • Roll Number

  • Total scaled score

  • Section-wise score

  • Overall Percentile

  • Result validation key

Also Check : ATMA Result for July 2020 Announced, Check at

ATMA Toppers 2020 Toppers List (August)

Candidate's name Overall score Overall percentile
Tejasva Singh 690 99.96
Sneh Kumar Shrivastava 640.83 99.93
Ajit Rajput 640 99.89
Jayant Bhatnagar 626.67 99.86
Rakesh Dalai 605 99.82
Vivek Lahoti 603.33 99.79
Alfred Joseph 593.33 99.72
Prashant Singh 592.5 99.68
Divyansh Chobey 581.67 99.65
Priyanka Kiran Khandare 577.5 99.61
Gayatri Sajjan 576.67 99.58
Kamya  571.67 99.54
Vikesh Kumar 567.5 99.47
Aishwary Jaiswal 567.5 99.47
Ayaan Hossain 565 99.44
Anupam Singh 558.33 99.4
Geetanjali Deepak Mhasawade 550 99.37
Shubham 548.33 99.33
Nikhlesh Rajesh Mudaliar 547.5 99.3
Dhruv Sharma 546.67 99.26
Chetanya Nuwal 545.83 99.23
Maheshkumar Tabaji Deshmukh 541.67 99.12
Harshawardhini Sridhar 541.67 99.12
Nachiket Rajan Yamgar 541.67 99.12
Ajinkya Rajendra Gawande 540.83 99.09
Kishore Venkatesan Shastri 539.17 99.05
Sneha Banerjee 538.33 99.02
