AIBE XV 2020 application fee payment window is open till 5:00 pm today, December 21. AIBE XV 2020 is scheduled to be conducted on January 24, 2021.
All India Bar Examination (AIBE) 2020 has again been postponed by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the new date for the exam is January 24, 2021. The exam was previously scheduled to be held on November 8, 2020, during which the last date of registration was October 17, 2020.
Aspiring candidates can pay their AIBE XV 2020 application form fee until December 21, 2020. Thereafter the authorities will release the AIBE XV admit card on December 25, 2020 on their official website.
Additionally, exam details, along with admit cards will be soon released by the exam authority on its official website for candidates to check. Earlier, AIBE XV, 2020 exam was scheduled to be conducted on August 18, 2020, but owing to the widespread COVID-19 virus, exams were later postponed to a later date.
Read: AIBE 2020: Gorakhpur and Kanpur Added as Exam Centres Location
AIBE 2020: Steps to Fill Application Form
Step 1: Register online for AIBE XV
Step 2: Fill details in AIBE 2020 application form
Step 3: Upload documents
Step 4: Select test language and test centre
Step 5: Pay the application fee
Step 6: Check fee payment status and upload Challan
Step 7: Submit AIBE XV application form
Direct Link: AIBE XV 2020 Application Form
AIBE XV 2020: Revised Schedule
Candidates could check the previously scheduled dates and newly scheduled dates for AIBE XV 2020 Examination in the below tabulation.
Events |
Dates (Revised) |
Last date of online registration |
December 19, 2020 |
Last date of online fee payment for AIBE |
December 21, 2020 |
Last date for completion of online form |
December 23, 2020 |
Availability of AIBE admit cards |
December 25, 2020 |
AIBE 2020 exam date |
January 24, 2021 |
All India Bar Examination (AIBE), is a national level exam conducted by the Bar Council of India (BCI) with the motive of assessing the ability of advocates who want to practice law in India.
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