Potential & Concept Education Guwahati: Courses & Fees

Guwahati, AssamCoaching
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Foundation for class 11th

2 Years Regular Classroom ProgramsFull Time

The foundation course offered by Potential & Concept Educations is a 2-year classroom program that caters to the needs of ambitious students in today's highly competitive environment. This course covers the entire duration of classes 11 and 12, allowing ample time to delve deeper into each topic and its practical applications. Innovative and well-designed study materials are provided by the institute to aid in practicing and reinforcing the concepts discussed in class. Additionally, Monthly Periodic Tests (PTs) are conducted to keep students up-to-date with the current exam patterns and help develop exam-taking skills.

Course Details

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Foundation for class 11th

2 Years

Rs. 1,93,300/-