Equity Fundamental Analysis is a unique course designed after keeping in mind the need to give practical exposure to the people who take a long term perspective for their investments.It gives a fair knowledge on how to pick the right stock for the portfolio after the careful analysis of the firm’s fundamentals as well as other qualitative and quantitative information.
Course Details
regular classroom Fundamental Analysis
1 month
Fundamental Analysis gives you core skill for evaluating a company on the basis of its track record: sales, profits, dividends, products, management, etc., as well as the economic and industry outlook.
It clearly explains, with examples , all the analytical tools of economic, industry and company analysis, including ratios and cash flow. It shows you how to discover what actually lies behind the figures and notes in a company's annual report. And, how to calculate the intrinsic value of a share. This practice will help you make solid, consistent long-term profits.
Theory well supported by hands on practical training on Excel and examples.
Study of Actual Stock Analysis reports based on actual data.