The workshop will include a real life data analytic problem.Workshop outcomeParticipants will be able to understand and solve various data analytics problems.Audience and PrerequisitesParticipants should have basic knowledge of any programming language.AgendaSetting up the environment for Data ScienceBasic data types, loops, conditional statementsLists, tuples and dictionariesIntroduction to Functional programming using PythonJupyter notebookNumPy arraysStatistical and Linear algebra with NumPyExploring PandasPandas Series and DataFramesStatistics with Pandas DataFramesRetrieving, Processing and Storing dataData Visualization using Matplotlib and SeabornThe participants will understand limitations of existing key data management technologies and how Big Data open source technologies .
Course Type | Online Classroom Program |
Duration | 7 weeks |
Rating | 8 |
Fee | Rs. 14,000 |