This PHP course will provide you with a strong understanding of basic and Advancing PHP programming elements and data abstraction using problem representation and the object-oriented framework. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This course will use sample objects such as photos or images to illustrate some important concepts to enhance understanding and retention. You will learn to write procedural programs using variables, arrays, function, loops, crud opertion, data fetching and Dynamic Website integrated development environment.
Course Details
PHP Course
3 months
Study materials
Basic knowledge PHP syntex & programming
Understand basic mechanisms of the OOP paradigm
Use and interpret the API of some of the most common PHP classes
Understand the basics of data abstraction using the object-oriented framework.
Formulate formal solutions to well-defined problems using the logic of a programming language.
Take a “real-life” problem and abstract out the pertinent aspects necessary to solve it in an algorithmic manner.
Implement formal solutions in Java using an integrated development environment.
Learning Mysql Datatypes.
Learning static & Dynamic Websites Using MVC framework.