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The best coaching for IITJEE . If you are someone who is looking for coaching for jee/medical in Gurgaon this place is you're go to place . The faculty members are very supportive and helpfull. Even my sister qualified her jee exam and got 96% in her 10th and 12th board after studying from here. Every class is recorded and can be watched multiple no of times for the clarity of concepts even after that if the students have some doubts they can ask the teachers as they always welcome doubts. It is better than any other big coachings as here we get personalised attention. The teachers teaches us many short tricks to solve the ques quickly and more efficiently. Their regular tests and modules are also very helpfull. I would surely recommend this coaching 10/10 .
I would suggest this coaching centre to anyone seeking to study for the JEE and NEET exams because it is extremely great. Wonderful support from all the professors and the best staff. Additionally, regular classes are scheduled for doubt clearing and backup.
An excellent place to prepare for competitive exams. They provide a tonne of stuff for practise as well as a tonne of crucial information for exams. The staff gives each student their undivided attention, and regular doubt-clearing sessions are organised. So joining this institute to prepare for competitive tests is entirely appropriate.
This university is excellent. With the students, they work really hard. The best people to teach are teachers. I've been here preparing for the medical. I also managed to enrol my brother in Pradeep Agarwal Academyfor JEE training.
The teacher are very good and helpful and I would like to add on that here are experienced teachers which are fired by director sir who teaches us physics. This institute has given me a greater grasp of how to study well, and anyone who studies there will undoubtedly succeed in the future. This was my experience, which I'm sharing with you, but you should really go see itforyourself.
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