Lancaster University vs University of York Comparison

Lancaster University vs University of York

Overview Comparison
Lancaster UniversityUniversity of York
Collegedunia Score5.5 Out of 105.6 Out of 10
ranking (overall)# 122 QS World University 2024
# 155 Times Higher Education 2024
# 122 Times Higher Education 2023
# 147 Times Higher Education 2024
# 167 QS World University 2024
# 139 Times Higher Education 2023
Subject Strength# 176 for Engineering by Times Higher Education 2024
# 122 for Medicine by Times Higher Education 2023
# 126 for Law by Times Higher Education 2024
# 251 for Engineering by Times Higher Education 2024
# 215 for Medicine by QS World University 2023
# 126 for Law by Times Higher Education 2024
ProgramsUG Programs -29
PG Programs -97
UG Programs -116
PG Programs -172
Doctorate Programs -43
Acceptance Rate18.7 %80.0 %
Exam ScoreGMAT-600
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   23944.7
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  20708.0
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 12542 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees   22183
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  22617
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 12805 Per Year
placement (average package)

Graduate Employability rank (2020): 201-250.
LLM: $107,000.
Masters in Finance: $97,000.
Executive masters: $79,000.
PhD: $87,000

Graduate Employability Ranking 2020: 201 – 250; Top paying degrees with average annual salary are MBA: 137,000 USD, PhD: 107,000 USD, LLM: 98,000 USD, Bachelors: 80,000 USD; Top sectors hiring employers are legal department, financial services, legal & paralegal, and IT & software development

application requirements

Indian UG aspirants must have 75-87% in best four including Hindi and PE.
Indian PG aspirants must have 60% (overall) with minimum 55% in each year.

Minimum 60% for admission in most PG programs; Statement of Purpose; CV

CollegeDunia Reviews7.0/10 Read 9 reviews8.9/10 Read 2 reviews
General Facts Comparison
General FactsLancaster UniversityUniversity of York
Type of UniversityUniversity
Student:Faculty Ratio13:1
Male:Female49% Male, 51% Female44% Male, 56% Female
Location Facts

Located 3 miles from Lancaster, surrounded by countryside. It is located close to lake district national park and Lancashire’s beaches. You can reach the historical city of Lancaster with a short bus ride. 

Size of the campus is about 500 acres and is located on the south-east side of the city; Campus is divided into two parts: West and East; East campus is new and built in the year 2009


Leisure collection, special collection, ebooks, thousands of journals, over 200 databases, Grey literature, theses & dissertation, audiovisual content, digital content, and research management content, you can find it all at the library. Currently under extension project of a budget of 11million Pounds (2020). 

Library has a collection of over a million books and e-books, 18,000 journals published regularly, 3,500 audio visual materials, previous years exam papers and thesis and dessertations written by university students. 

Campus Life

Over 200 student groups to join. Cafes, bars, medical facilities, and banks are all available on-campus. On-Campus cinema includes Hollywood, classical, and international films. Over 100 different sports clubs to join. Volunteering for environmental, social enterprising, and businesses is available. On-campus Chaplainacy center for different religions, groups, & services. Sugarhouse is university’s nightclub.

University has over 65 sports clubs and 200 student societies; Students participate in over 20 college sporting leagues every week; Mini festivals are organized in summer; University has music society and band society for music lovers; Students can audition for Samba York, a Brazilian style club

Hostel#Rooms - $9317
#Self-catered Shared Bathroom - $5148
#Catered En-suite Room - $7657
Famous Alumni

Alan Milburn (former secretary of State for health), Andy Serkis (Actor), Andrew Miller (Novelist), Robert Fisk (writer), John C. Hull (professor at Rotman School of Management), Alan Campbell (MP UK), W. Brian Arthur (Economist), Hanif Kureishi (British Playwright), Dave Snowden (Welsh Consultant), Ben Crystal (Actor), etc.

Kerry Andrew (composer and singer); Ian Beiley (author); Charles Butler (author); Horatio Clare (writer, radio producer, and journalist); Greg Dyke (Head of Football Association and BFI); Steve Foots (Chief Executive of Croda International); Ian Bailey (author); Paul Dolan (behavioural scientist); Peter Gordon (radio presenter)

City Life

Lancaster is a historical city, offering a coastline and picturesque beaches of Blackpool and Morecambe Bay. The countryside has England’s largest national park. It is connected to Manchester and Liverpool through a train ride of 1-2 hours. The city offers great nightlife, clubs, bars, and pubs. It also has excellent film, theatre and music scene, and is a great place to shop. The unemployment rate of the city is around 4.3% (March’20)

York is located in Northern Yorkshire, England; City hosts the biggest food and drink festival of Great Britain and has the largest Railway Museum in the world; York Minster is the largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe; Economy is service-based with an unemployment rate of 2.8% in 2019.